Robinson Elementary School

Robinson Elementary School

Robinson Elementary School
Remote Learning Plan

The purpose of the Robinson Elementary School Remote Learning Plan is to share the evolution of remote learning that has transpired since our closing on March 13, 2020. This plan also highlights some of the key transitions that have been made following the recommendations set forth for schools by the MA Commissioner of Education, Jeffrey Riley.

We have evolved as a school in our delivery of learning opportunities and use of technology since our closure. Initially, we offered enrichment activities for students through interactive websites students were familiar with (ReFlex math, Brainpop Jr, ABC Mouse, Mystery Science, etc). We quickly progressed to the delivery of more meaningful learning opportunities directly tied to our curriculum.

Robinson Elementary School launched the Robinson Remote Learning Site as the primary location for all student learning opportunities. The site was launched in early April and contains weekly learning plans and materials as well as links to our literacy and math digital platforms. The site also highlights a variety of school spirit activities through photos and videos that have evolved over the weeks. The learning opportunities found on the site have been designed to be completed within the equivalent of a half day of school or longer.

Teachers have worked collaboratively at each grade level to create meaningful learning opportunities for students in all content areas. We followed the Commissioner’s recommendations in late March and transitioned from enrichment activities to the delivery of more content specific learning opportunities. Teachers worked to determine how best to review concepts from our Journeys literacy program and EnVision 2.0 math program. Our resulting learning plans required students to apply their knowledge of skills previously taught in a way that deepened their learning. We made accommodations and modifications to our content to ensure access to all students on a weekly basis. Finally, our learning plans also included opportunities in areas such as social studies, science, art, music, physical education, and social-emotional learning.

We further expanded access to our remote learning site, the literacy and math digital platforms and other learning websites used frequently in the classroom through the distribution of Chromebooks in mid-April. In addition, student G Suite accounts were created and login information disseminated. The distribution of Chromebooks and creation of G Suite accounts was essential to ensure all students have the opportunity to log on to the Robinson site, view weekly learning plans, and access digital content, and participate in video conferencing.

The Commissioner’s recommendations released on April 24, 2020 affirmed our progress in developing a remote learning plan at the Robinson Elementary School. Our staff has demonstrated an innovative stance and a commitment towards the use of technology tools through the many professional learning opportunities afforded them. Our implementation of student G Suite accounts, access to devices, and teacher use of Google tools was expedited due to the school closure. We are now poised to utilize G Suite tools that will increase real time connectivity through video conferencing in addition to email and phone calls. In addition, teachers also have the ability to create videos and narrate slideshows that can be shared with students on the site as they work towards learning new content.

For weekly lesson plans to use with your K-2 students, please click on the image below to access the Robinson Remote Learning Opportunities site