At-Home Testing Program

Student Information

  • Student Opt-In must be received by Friday, January 28, 2022 at Noon in order to receive a test kit as part of the Week of January 31 Distribution.

  • Student Opt-In received after Friday, January 28, 2022 at Noon will be part of the Week of February 14th Distribution.

Families can opt-in at any time.

Each week of distribution, the district will send an email informing families of the exact date test kits will come home with students.

Please contact your school health office with any questions.

1/26/22 Webinar Recording

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At-Home COVID Testing Program Webinar Q & A - January 26, 2022, Noon - 1pm

My understanding is that there is no contact tracing anymore, meaning you no longer know if someone in your child’s class is positive. If this is true, how does this comply with CDC guidelines (i.e., unvaccinated quarantine and vaccinated mask) as you can’t do them if you don’t know?

MPS follows protocols from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Massachusetts Department of Health that have been written specifically for schools. Due to mitigating factors in the school system, such as ventilation systems and 3-foot distancing, and the low incident of known transmission among students in the state’s Test & Stay program, public schools have been directed to exempt close contacts within the school setting. Weekly and Symptomatic Testing have been put in place as a more effective tool to decrease transmission.

Do the negatives need to be reported as well?

No, only positive COVID test results need to be reported. Positive cases can be reported by calling or emailing your student’s health office or completing the online form.

Your letter online says test every two weeks. Please clarify how often testing should be done.

Students who opt in are asked to test once per week on Friday evenings. Test kits, which contain 2 tests, will be distributed every other week.

If you opt in, are you supposed to test even if there are no symptoms?


Is it required to test each week, if you opt in? Or can the tests be saved for use when a child may be symptomatic.

You are asked to test every week. That is the way DESE and DPH have set up the program.

If a child recently had COVID, won’t they continue to test positive for a longer period of time? How do you know it’s a “new” positive, that will require quarantine?

Individuals who have tested positive are not required to test for 90 days. While a PCR may continue to show a positive result for a longer period of time after a COVID infection, antigen tests will be negative after a 10 day period or so. If concerning symptoms arise after a COVID infection has resolved, please contact your primary care provider or school nurse for guidance on testing.

Is the safety of schools and low transmission rate directly related to the universal masking in schools? Will we continue with that through the end of the year?

Masking will remain in effect until at least February 28, 2022 when DESE will determine if the universal mandate will continue. As infection rate drops and vaccination rate increases, masking options may change.

How effective are the antigen tests at detecting Covid? My family all tested negative on our at home test, but positive on our PCR test.

PCRs are a more sensitive and specific test and can pick up on a lower viral load. Antigen testing continues to be supported by the CDC and the DPH as an effective test for COVID. Repeated testing is recommended if the individual is symptomatic and symptoms do not resolve.

Can you talk a little about what kinds of masks we should get for our kids? And what do you suggest for kids with sensory issues?

Students who have sensory issues or are struggling wearing a mask should contact their school’s health office to review options. School nurses will also enlist the help of Occupational Therapists for support.

What if your child is not in school the day that test kits are sent home?

If your child is not in school on the day of test distribution, the test will be put aside until your child returns to school.

If we don't opt-in this week, do we have the option to opt in later?

Yes, you can opt in at any time the test program is being offered.

Are tests available if you need more? For example, if you used your tests when a student was feeling unwell and continues to feel unwell, therefore more tests are needed.

Each student participating in the the program will receive 1 test box which contains 2 tests every 2 weeks. No additional test kits will be provided.

Can another student living in the home take the tests home for someone who is absent? E.g. I have one student Robinson and one at Jordan/Jackson. Can my Robinson student bring the tests home if my Jordan/Jackson student is absent?

No, however you are welcome to pick-up the test from your child’s school if they are absent.

Will in-school symptomatic testing continue, even if vaccinated?

Yes, symptomatic testing will continue in the schools for all individuals, vaccinated or unvaccinated. Online consent must be completed. School nurses will always call for verbal permission as well.

If our child is vaccinated, should we tell the nurse, or does our pediatrician send you that information?

Yes, please contact your student’s school health office with that information.

What if there is a snow day on a Friday. Will you distribute on Monday?

Yes, if school is cancelled due to inclement weather, tests will be distributed on the next school day.

Why should students take the tests on a Friday? Wouldn't it make more sense to test on Sunday before returning to school on Monday?

The goal is to keep students in the classroom as much as possible. Testing on Friday minimizes the student’s time away from school and allows them to return to school Thursday as long as they do have symptoms and are feeling well.