Original Post 8/30/21 - updated 9/24/21 in red, updated 1/3/22 in purple

1. When and how should BinaxNOW tests be used for diagnostic purposes?

  • When a student or staff member presents to the school health office with a symptom from the list in on the Symptom Checker, they should receive a BinaxNOW test if available.

  • If the result is positive, they should be sent home and follow the assigned Protocol.

  • If the result is negative, they should be sent home dependent on assessment from school nurse and vaccination status. The student’s parent/guardian, or the staff member, will receive guidance on next steps.

If there is a reasonable question on the BinaxNOW test results, PCR confirmation is recommended. This is most likely to happen when a highly symptomatic individual has a negative test, unless there is an alternative diagnosis. If the results are discordant, for the purposes of these protocols the PCR result would be taken as the true result, assuming the two tests are done within 2 days of each other.

2. How should schools address individuals with mild symptoms?

  • If an individual has mild symptoms, the individual may be considered for testing using BinaxNOW.

  • If the result is positive, they should be sent home and follow the assigned Protocol.

  • If a vaccinated individual has minimal symptoms and tests negative, they may remain in school if acceptable by the school nurse.

  • If a vaccinated individual has a combination of symptoms and tests negative, they will be dismissed and advised.

  • If an individual is unvaccinated and has any symptoms, they will be dismissed and advised.

  • If symptoms persist, recommendations for further testing will be discussed with your school nurse

  • “mild symptoms” are to be determined by review of symptom checker and assessment by the school nurse

  • If the minimal symptom(s) persist or worsen, the individual may be referred to their medical provider for further testing. PCR is most likely warranted in these situations.

3. Do individuals need to maintain physical distance while participating in Test & Stay?

  • The Test and Stay program allows asymptomatic close contacts to remain in school, as opposed to quarantining at home. This program includes daily testing and masking at all times. For only these individuals in Test and Stay, DESE recommends a physical distance of at least 3 feet during meals, when masks are removed.

4. Can individuals identified as a close contact while at home (i.e., non-school based close contact) return to school and participate in the Test & Stay program?

  • The Test and Stay program is intended for school-based close contacts.

5. Can an individual who is identified as a close contact still participate in sports and extracurricular activities? (new 9/24)

  • Unvaccinated, asymptomatic close contacts who are in the Test & Stay Program can participate in school-sponsored events and sports ONLY on days that testing is available. Testing is not available at this time on non school days at this time.

  • If these close contacts do not consent to testing, or if testing is not available, individuals may not participate in school events outside of the school day.

  • Other activities such as youth sports or youth clubs are not included and individuals who are in the Test & Stay program cannot participate in those activities anytime during the Test & Stay (even weekdays).

  • Vaccinated individuals who are asymptomatic and identified as close contacts may participate in all extracurricular activities outside of the school day.

6. How many days will an individual be tested during the Test & Stay program?

  • The duration of the Test & Stay program is 5 days 7 days from the date of exposure. Some of these days could be non-school days (i.e., weekends or holidays). Quarantine is recommended on weekend days where testing is not available. Testing is only required on school days, unless the individual participates in school-sponsored sports or extracurricular activities that fall on a non-school day. If the 7th day falls over a non-school day, the individual must be tested on the morning of their return to school. On the 8th day, a student will exit the Test and Stay protocol, assuming all tests were negative, and they remain asymptomatic.

7. Can school health professionals check an individual’s COVID-19 vaccine status in the Massachusetts Immunization Information System (MIIS)?

  • School health professionals who are authorized users of the MIIS can check MIIS to confirm adequate up to date immunizations, avoid unnecessary immunizations, control disease outbreaks or as otherwise needed to confirm compliance with immunization requirements. Authorized school health professionals may check the COVID-19 vaccination status of any individual in MIIS for those purposes regardless of whether vaccines are mandated.

8. Can individuals participating in Test and Stay ride the bus? (new 9/24)

  • Yes. Individuals participating in Test and Stay can participate in all school setting activities

9. When individuals participating in Test and Stay are not in school, are they required to quarantine?

10. Do vaccinated individuals have to to quarantine? (new 9/24)

  • Fully Vaccinated Individuals are NOT subject to Quarantine Guidance. They are exempt from quarantine and can continue normal activities following an exposure. If you are fully vaccinated, you are not required to quarantine following an exposure. However, you should still monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 10 14 days following an exposure. If you experience symptoms, isolate yourself from others, seek testing, and contact your healthcare provider. (MA DPH Guidance, CDC Guidance)

11. Can individuals test at home with an At-Home test if they are not feeling well? (new 9/24)

  • At-Home test, or tests purchased over-the-counter without a prescription and conducted at home without telehealth oversight, should be confirmed with a laboratory PCR test. PCR specimens collected at the same time or within 2 days of the antigen test result override an antigen result if results are discordant (See Discordant Test Results Follow-up Guidance). While waiting for PCR confirmation, positive cases should isolate at home. If an individual decides NOT to seek confirmatory testing or the confirmatory test was not collected within 2 days, they will need to isolate for 10 days from symptom onset but no more than 48 hrs from At-Home testing (or test date if asymptomatic).