

NPC is collaborating with Tutor.com to provide tutoring services to students. Tutor.com offers one-on-one personalized online tutoring services and covers a variety of subjects. Students can schedule tutoring time and get help when they need it. Tutor.com also offers drop-off essay review to help students improve their writing skills. In addition, students can take diagnostic quizzes from different covered subjects on tutor.com. 

Tutor.com tracks usage and provides diagnostic data. The data information provides faculty with timely insight into the specific learning challenges that students have. This allows faculty and student success staff to better support students in achieving academic success.

Faculty can add Tutor.com in the courses in Moodle (see instructions below). Once the course has the Tutor.com link then students can access the tutoring services for FREE without additional costs and any of the tutoring services across different subjects can be utilized. 

To include Tutor.com in an NPC course shell in Moodle, please follow the instructions listed below:

After adding the Tutor.com tool, a link to the resource should be available in your course in Moodle. Students who are enrolled in the course will be able to access the Tutor.com resource from within the course shell.

NOTE:  The Tutor.com block is no longer available in the Moodle LMS so it should be removed from current courses and instead a link should be created to the Tutor.com resource.

If you need any assistance with setting up Tutor.com in your course in Moodle, please contact the NPC Instructional Technology and Curriculum Support Department at ITCSDepartment@npc.edu. For more details about tutor.com, visit the website at https://tutor.com/.

Below are links to the step by step instructor guide for adding Tutor.com in a course shell in Moodle at NPC: 

View Web Guide for Adding Tutor.com to a Moodle Course Shell at NPC

View the PDF version of Guide for Adding Tutor.com to a Moodle Course Shell at NPC


Tutor.com Orientation

Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Time: 9am-9:30am

Facilitated by Tutor.com Trainer

Description: Join us for an engaging and informative Tutor.com Orientation, designed to empower faculty with the knowledge and tools to enhance student learning outside the classroom. This orientation will focus on familiarizing faculty members with the tutor.com platform and equipping them with the skills to seamlessly refer their students to this valuable resource. This session will be recorded.

Meeting ID: 260 054 074 104
Passcode: fGgqR7

Microsoft Teams Link:  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3Ameeting_MWQ4Yzg0NGUtM2I5My00YTFhLWFhNzgtM2ViMzgwN2RiNzY4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%2234c846bc-ac78-4aa8-9fc2-e8d8c59345ed%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%22b90ccde8-12c1-490e-974c-c9dcf3d1d60e%22%7D

NOTE:  The Tutor.com block is no longer available in the Moodle LMS so it should be removed from current courses.  To add Tutor.com in a course in Moodle, please create a link to connect the course to the tutoring service. Instructors should use the instructions below to include a link to Tutor.com in a course in Moodle.

Northland Pioneer College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, veteran status, religion, marital status, gender, age or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its educational programs or activities. District grievance procedures will be followed for compliance with Title IX and Section 504 requirements. The Affirmative Action Compliance Officer is the Chief Human Resource Officer, 2251 E. Navajo Blvd., Holbrook, Arizona 86025, (928) 524-7471. The Section 504 Compliance Officer is the Coordinator of the Office of Accessibility and Inclusion, 1611 S. Main Snowflake, AZ 85937, (928) 536-6246. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in vocational education programs.