Is NPC Moodle 508 compliant?

Feb/11/13 10:16

By law all public website must be Section 508 compliant to ensure accessibility to students with disabilities. At NPC Moodle's 508-compliant requirements are addressed through the following efforts:

1. Moodle official site and third-party accessibility testing have verified Moodle is an accessible Learning Management system:

Accessibility in Moodle

"As an open-source project, more than 60 million users worldwide are continuously using and testing Moodle, and all issues identified are openly reported, discussed, and fixed. Likewise, a worldwide project, which has had major investments from the UK, Italy, New Zealand, etc., works to make Moodle the most accessible LMS in the world."

2. NPC has implemented Quality Matters (QM) ( for our Moodle course review and design. QM is a nationally (US and moving internationally) recognized program to provide a process to assure quality (including accessibility) in online courses. See QM Standards 8.1-8.4 Accessibility Requirements for details.

3. NPC's Office of Accessibility and Inclusion coordinates support services for students with disabilities. Various assistive technologies are provided to address special needs in online learning.