Outstanding Student work

There has been a lot of amazing student work completed this half term. Read on to see what the students have been getting up to here at Lordswood...

year 9

Our Year 9 students have been looking at Animal Farm in their English lessons this half term. This novel satirises the political state of Russia after the 1917 revolution, and many of the characters mirror real life figures, such as Trotsky and Stalin. As part of their work they designed amazing 'Wanted' posters for the character of Snowball, who is driven out of the farm. 


In their Art lesson, Year 9 created origami (the Japanese art of paper folding) as part of their 'Mental Health Project'. 

They were absolutely fantastic, and produced amazing work.

year 10

Year 10 enjoyed getting out of the classroom and exploring how nature influences poetry. They collected items and took inspiration from the outside world to create their own poetic sonnets. Dare we say, even better than Shakespeare himself! Thank you to Ms George for organising this. 

year 8

Year 8 have been looking at Unarranged Marriage by Bali Rai in their English lessons, which is set in Leicester and follows the protagonist Manny, as his parents attempt to arrange a marriage for him. They have created some posters on this:


In English intervention, Year 9 students explored work that analysed how descriptive language is used when describing different cities and countries. They looked at an example of Bill Bryson's work that described Istanbul, and then were asked to write about a city or a place that they knew. 

Abdalla S. (Steelers) produced a fantastic piece of writing about the hectic city centre of Birmingham. His work included lots of descriptive vocabulary and detail, and is featured below:

Abdalla S. (Steelers)

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

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