Top 10 library books

Since its launch in March 2021, the library team at LBS have been so proud of how much the students are enjoying their library space. We thought we would take a moment to reflect on the top 10 books that have been checked out over the last year and a half

If you're looking for a new book to check out, or one for your wish list then keep reading...

10. Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their tyrannical farmer. The book tells of the events leading up to the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union in the allegorical form of farm yard animals. 

A shorter book to read if you want a head start in the LBS 150 competition!

Checked out 61 times.

9. Marvel Select

A new entry on the top 10 list, this entry reflects our new subscription to Marvel Select comics. LBS receives three copies a month of the latest Marvel comic straight to the school.

Our students love to read the comics in the refectory and the library.

Checked out 67 times.

8. Predator's Gold by Philip Reeve

Another new entry to the list. Predator's Gold follows the main characters of the first book in the series, Mortal Engines. In the second novel, Tom and Hester are hunted to the ice city of Anchorage. 

An exciting read for all ages at LBS. 

Checked out 69 times.

7. Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan 

Our third new entry on our top 10 list. This is the second book in the Percy Jackson series and follows our eponymous protagonist as he seeks to save Camp Half-Blood from a Titan's wrath. 

Another LBS 150 thriller for those who love Norse gods.

Checked out 69 times.

6. Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan 

In book four in the Percy Jackson series, we discover alongside Percy that there is a secret magical labyrinth under America.

Percy, Annabeth and Gover fight against an evil enemy to stop an important artefact falling into the wrong hands. 

Checked out 69 times.

5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling

The Harry Potter series is one of the best-selling children's novels of all time, so it isn't surprising that the students at LBS are enjoying them too. Follow along with Harry, Ron and Hermione as they explore the magical world of witchcraft and wizardry created by J.K. Rowling. 

This books has bee checked out 69 times.

4. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan 

Percy Jackson is a normal kid... until he vaporises his teacher. Following the accident, Percy uncovers a secret world of Greek Gods and demi-god children in this exciting book. 

The first in a series of five that will leave on the edge of your seat.

Checked out 70 times.

3. CHERUB: The Recruit

The last new addition to the top 10 since we've opened the library. 

The Recruit follows Robert Adams as he joins CHERUB, an organisation of child spies. This is the first book in a thrilling twelve part series. 

As all twelve books form part of the LBS 150 competition, you could almost get to your gold badge without stopping!

Checked out 71 times.

2. Holes by Louis Sachar

Stanley Yelnets has always had bad luck, and being sent to Camp Greenlake is no exception. Holes tells Stanley's story as he explores Camp Greenlake, makes friends and learns more than he bargained for about his family history.

Holes is a fantastic story, so the library team is not surprised it nearly made it to the top spot!

Checked out 78 times.

The top book to be checked out at LBS is by a clear margin Mortal Engines. It has been read a total of 121 times, and we can see why. 

Set in a post-apocalyptic future, the students have been really interested to read about Hester and her adventures on the moving steampunk city of London. 

Checked out 121 times.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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