earth day 2021

On 22nd April, we celebrated Earth Day. The event first began in 1970 and aims to rally support for increased environmental protection, sustainability and green living. The library team have selected books for you to read that are interesting and are all about this year's theme: Restore Our Earth. 

All We Can Save by Ayana Eliza Johnson

RAGE: 13 - 14 / Non-Fiction 

All We Can Save is a fantastic book of essays, poetry and art from women at the forefront of the climate movement in the United States. A enlightening read on the climate crisis, this book tells the story of what's happening right now and what we can do to save the planet. This is a powerful story with an important message. 

Wilding by Isabella Tree

RAGE: 11 - 12 / Non-Fiction

"The return of nature to a British farm." Wilding tells the inspiring story of a family farm running up debt, until they discover the science behind rewilding. Rewilding is the process where you restore land to its natural wild state, with the aim to reintroduce species that have been wiped out, such as beavers. This helps the ecosystem to flourish and increases its biodiversity.

A Terrible Thing to Waste by Harriet A. Washington

RAGE: 13 - 14 / Non-Fiction

This fantastic book looks at the impact of enviormental racism, using science to show the heightened impact of climate change and pollution on marginalised communities. Impeccably researched, this book not only highlights the problems but also tells us how we can begin to fix the issues.

No One is Too Small to Make a Difference by Great Thunberg

RAGE: 8 - 10 / Non-Fiction

No One is Too Small to Make a Difference is a collection of speeches from Greta Thunberg about climate change and activism. An especially important book for younger readers, it shows that anyone can be the spark that ignites change. The time to act is now!

Sitopia by Carolyn Steel

RAGE: 13 - 14 / Non-Fiction

This interesting book from Carolyn Steel puts food at the centre of society. It breaks down the journey that foods takes to go from farm to dinner plate, and examines when we stopped appreciating the importance of food and its production. Sitopia explains how, by putting food at the core of our actions, we will become a greener global community.

The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells

RAGE: 13 - 14 / Non-Fiction

The Unintabitable Earth tells a story of the next 100 years on Earth that will be our future if we keep polluting the environment at our current rate. From unstoppable forest fires, to creating millions of climate refugees the book explores in fearsome detail the apocalyptic future we will create unless we change our collective behaviours... and soon.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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