literacy highlights

14th February 2022

How can we inspire the students?

It is absolutely crucial that we think about how the conversations we have with the students can inspire them, make them thrive and aim higher, think about their future or just simply be happy to dive into a book. How can you challenge students to read more and aim higher over half term?

We now have two groups in school in which all students have achieved at least one badge on the 150 Challenge. It was fantastic to see 8.1 enjoy their break out. Thank you Ms George for motivating every student to achieve their badge and setting clear goals for all students during their library lessons. 

Amazing to also have Y7 Rams follow and Ms Bedesha beaming with pride as she shared the news of all students in the class achieving their badges. Thank you Ms Bedesha for all your hard work. 

We have 165 bronze badges, 65 silver, 37 gold, 19 platinum, 6 diamond, 4 Quartz, 2 Topaz badges earned. Just remarkable!

It is great to see students so focused and engaged in literacy intervention and developing their vocabulary, oracy and comprehension. The students will be completing practice reading tests this week to assess their progress. Thank you Ms Baker  and Ms Russell for all your amazing hard work with the students. 

Just wonderful to see 10.1 Triple scientists taking on board guidance on how best to construct their answers. Disciplinary literacy is crucial, how do we think, speak and write like a scientist? Thank you Mr Thorpe for your hard work with the students. 

Veloce! Veloce! Just next door, I hear students excited and working hard and our Italian EAL students beaming with pride as they work. Thank you Mr Jackson for your enthusiasm and encouragement.

It was just wonderful to see Year 8 students engaging in rap workshops, with even our most vulnerable students having a go, encouraged to take part and praised for their efforts. Just heartwarming. Having fun is music is just the perfect way to develop oracy skills. Thank you Ms Lowndes-Ford for all your hard work in organising events for the students.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Kang. 

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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