literacy highlights - 13/09/20

13th September 2020

What an awesome start to the academic year, despite having to send Bubble 1 home as a precaution.

The Year 7 students made a super start with team building skills, constructing their spaghetti towers. It was great to hear them articulate how they constructed their towers and learn the importance of angles and lengths in supporting structures. I am sure this was inspiring for the aspiring engineers amongst them and a fun activity for all. Thank you Mr Archbold, Miss Bedesha and Mrs Sillis in laying the foundation with them and ensuring they have an amazing start at LBS.

What better way to welcome all our students then through a formal introductory assembly. It is essential that the students hear about our success with their former Year 11 peers, school targets and their role in achieving them and the messages of high expectations and consistency. Thank you Mr Williams for steering the students on their journey to success.

Despite having 6 months away from school and routines, it has been an absolute pleasure watching them over the last week and a half. The students have been studious and focussed as they return to clear routines and structure. Thank you everyone for delivering these messages and applying clear expectations.  

It is wonderful to see literacy time used effectively with ALL literacy groups embedding those critical routines of reading, spelling and oracy.  Thank you to all the literacy tutors for ensuring the students are using literacy time effectively.  

Please continue to encourage reading: 

Please continue to encourage spelling:

Expect and insist on superb focus at all times. 

There is so much to do to ensure we accelerate students’ progress and close the gap in learning and literacy. This is only possible with the support of ALL staff. Thank you everyone for you hard work and commitment.


1. Clear, consistent messages for uniform and conduct. Everyone must challenge the students to look amazing and present themselves at the highest standard for learning in lessons and around school. 

2. In line with the fortnightly, continue to follow up with attendance and embed our school attendance target of 96%. If they are in school they can learn so please make those critical calls home.

3. Take every opportunity to develop literacy during lessons, literacy time and social time by conversation with students. Reading, spelling, writing and oracy must always be prevalent throughout the day. 

Thank you for your support, Mrs Kang. 

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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