CSF membership criteria

National Honor Society Membership Criteria

To become a member of NHS, you must be selected as a candidate by your chapter's faculty council.

Students who meet their chapter's cumulative/semester GPA requirement are then considered for membership on the basis of service, leadership and character.

You are required to have at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA/4.0 previous semester

  • Write your grades from the previous semester
  • Please write it in the order it is listed on your schedule (ie: first period, second period)




In order to be a member, you must pay the $20 membership fee

Selection for membership is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities. Membership shall be known as active, honorary, and alumni. Active members shall become alumni members at graduation.

Members of the Faculty Council shall support the school leader in creating and sustaining a school environment in which each student is known, accepted and valued, trusted and respected, cared for and encouraged to be an active and responsible member of the school community. As such, the Faculty Council shall reserve the right to award honorary membership to students who warrant special consideration—including those who receive accommodations for a disability, or foreign exchange students—in recognition of achievement and/or outstanding service rendered to the school in keeping with the purposes of the National Honor Society. The Faculty Council might also award honorary membership to school officials, principals, teachers, NHS advisers, or other adults. Honorary membership grants to the recipient all of the privileges of membership without the obligations associated with active member status


* To be eligible for membership the candidate must be a member of the classes sophomore, junior, and senior to be designated as eligible. (Applications will be reopened during 2nd semester, Freshmen are eligible during the second semester)

GPA: Nipomo High School Club guidelines, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher or the previous semester of 4.0 or above

Service: This involves voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation.

Leadership: Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.

Character: The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally maintains a clean disciplinary record.

Members must have been in attendance at the school the equivalent of one semester.