School Dances


School dances are organized by the Student Government or other school organizations throughout the year.

The following rules apply to all dances:

  1. Students must present a valid high school ID card to enter.

  2. All chaperones have full authority at all dances.

  3. Students whose conduct is improper may be asked to leave a dance and/or report to the appropriate administrator the next school day

  4. Smoking, drinking, and/or drug involvement are not permitted at any school function.

  5. Safety and wellness checks may be conducted prior to students entering school dances.

  6. Students leaving a dance will not be permitted to re-enter.

  7. Loitering outside the dance will not be permitted.

  8. Parents picking up students are requested to be at school as soon as the activity ends.

  9. Registered guests who do not arrive within 30 minutes of the event starting will be contacted by administration to determine whether they will be attending.

  10. Students attempting to leave a dance prior to the end of the event must receive parent approval through the supervising administrator.

  11. Outside guests must complete a guest pass application prior to purchasing a ticket.