Work Breaks

3.8 Work Breaks

3.8.1 Rest Breaks

  • Employees working eight hours a day are entitled to one 20 minute rest break during each half of their work day.

  • Employees working over 4 but not more than 5 hours per day are entitled to one 20-minute rest break daily.

  • Employees working between 5 and 7 hours a day are entitled to one 30-minute rest break daily.

  • Breaks cannot be accumulated.

  • Breaks may be taken upon approval of immediate supervisor.

3.8.2 Lunch Breaks

  • Employees working eight hours a day are scheduled for a nine-hour period to accommodate a one hour lunch period.

  • Immediate supervisor will approve lunch break hour.

  • Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis with approval of the director.

Exception - Saturdays - Employees scheduled to work eight hours on Saturday in Moberly may work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with no unpaid lunch break. Employees may take two 20-minute breaks or one 40-minute rest break during the day.

Posted online September 7, 2021