
2.2 Resources

The library has an obligation to provide, in the local library system, a variety of materials to satisfy the prevalent tastes, needs, reading and language abilities of patrons, as well as a diversity of materials in recognition of minority interests and changing mores. These include but are not necessarily limited to:

-A range of relevant, contemporary materials;

-Differing viewpoints on controversial issues, with all possible representation of unpopular or unorthodox positions. In no case should any material be excluded because of the race, nationality, or the political, religious, or social views of the writer. Materials should not be proscribed or removed from the library shelves because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval;

-A variety of materials for inspirational reading, literary and aesthetic enjoyment and recreational reading, as well as for informational purposes;

-Information and reference materials selectively at the local level and in increasing depth at resource centers in the information network to meet adult curricular and learning needs; supply information on home and family life; provide information on vocations, business, industry and labor, and scientific and technological developments;

-Materials on fundamental political, social and economic questions, and on local national and world affairs;

-Materials to satisfy cultural and aesthetic interest in literature, arts, philosophy and religion;

-The library has a responsibility, through cooperation with other library systems and information centers, to provide:

-Full and prompt access to all recorded fact, opinion and creative effort in whatever physical form seems most useful;

-Materials, which, as far as possible, meet the informational needs of every person in the service area;

-An opportunity to encounter new materials and creative works;

-Cooperative planning with other agencies and community groups for activities to satisfy their needs.

Posted online September 7, 2021