Young Adults

(Ages 12-18)

2.6.3 Young Adults (individuals between the ages of 12 and 18)

The Young Adult area is designed to be a bridge between Children’s and Adult materials. Materials in the YA sections will include, but not limited to popular and award-winning books, audios, magazines and graphic novels. All items in this section are marked with “YA”. The materials in the Young Adult sections may have more mature content than materials in the Children's area.

All Young-adults have free access to all library materials and services with a parent or guardian’s permission.

The Little Dixie Regional Libraries holds that it is the parent or guardian--and only the parent or guardian--who may restrict his/her child--and only his/her child--from access to library materials and services. The parent or guardian who would rather his/her child did not have access to certain materials should so advise the child.