
104 DAYS, 800.000 DEATHS

If it is written "Hutu" you have to kill, if it is written "Tutsi" you have to die.


General information

Position: Ruanda is an East African state. It borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, Uganda to the north, Tanzania to the east and Burundi to the south. Rwanda has no outlets on the sea.

Territory: The territory is mainly mountainous (the average altitude is 1700 m a.s.l.). The main chain is the Virunga mountains (famous for the gorilla) where there are several active volcanoes. The chain acts as a watershed between the basins of the two major rivers of the area, the Nile and the Congo.

Climate: Rwanda is located in the equatorial belt, but, thanks to its altitude, it has a temperate climate, considered among the healthiest in the entire African continent. The average temperature is 20 ° C.

Economy: Rwanda is one of the poorest states in the world. It is still dependant from foreign financing.

Where do these two groups come from? Which were the differences?

How idid it start, and why? How did it develop?

Which has been the role of the ONU and the western states? Can we say they have only been passive spectators?

"Every monarchy has his king or queen, every party his leader. If we tell a story we talk about main characters. "

Let's talk about the figures that had an important role in this genocide.

What happened when the bloodbath finished?

3 films, 3 differents points of view to understand the genocide from different perspective and stories.