
In order to kidnapping and assassinating the submissive people, Argentine state terrorism aimed was the deprivation of identity. In the clandestine detention centres, designed to carry out the extermination plan, the kidnapped person was deprived not only of his personal effects, but also of his name and identity. Then he was identified by a number and forced into solitary confinement. Within these structures the person assumed the identity of Disappeared.

This term defines the victims of the state terrorist regime, whose body, not returned to the family, still today, after almost 38 years. The repressive violence of the state silenced any opinion contrary or considered dangerous and, at the same time, take the possession of the death of the kidnapped without giving the possibility to the families of the victims to bury them.

Below is reported a video about the atrocity of that period and a witness made by desaparecidos' relative.

How the children of Argentina's ‘disappeared’ are being reunited with their birth families

During Argentina's military dictatorship, as many as 30.000 people simply “disappeared”, including some young, pregnant women, whose babies were then given to couples deemed sympathetic to the regime. What happened to those children, who are now adults? Retro Report, distributed by The New York Times, offers a look at efforts by desperate grandparents to find their family members.