Dictatorship of Videla


Maria Estela Martinez (Isabelita)

In 1974, at the death of Peròn the presidency was assumed by his second wife Maria Estela Martinez, called Isabelita, who had to face a difficult economic situation and context of strong social conflict, marked by the activities of terrorist organizations and of different ideological inspiration.

On March 24, 1976 the Argentina military junta formed by the three commanders of the armed forces:the leader was General Jorge Rafael Videla (army) with Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera (navy) and Brigadier Orlando Ramón Agosti (air force), took power with a military coup. The military coups in Argentina, as in all the countries of Latin America, enjoyed the support both the most affluent classes and a large part of the middle class who saw in the military a strong patriotic spirit useful to address the economic and political problems in which the country was located.

Emilio Eduardo Massera - Jorge Rafael Videla - Brigadier Orlando Ramón Agosti

The militaries who took power, defined the new historical period as “the Process of National Reorganization" (Proceso de Reorganización Nacional) whose purpose were to exterminate guerrilla warfare, reorder the economy and discipline society.

To understand better until the repression meant to push, we can just stop on the words of General Videla:

"A terrorist is not only one who throws a bomb or has a gun: but also, one who spreads contrary ideas to western Christian civilization.”

With the beginning of this regime started the “Dirty War” an unarmed conflict that these military realized in order to repress any form of protest, dissent and any activity considered critical to the military authorities. The repression, organized and carried out by the state, was conducted in a widespread way through violence towards students, trade unionists, workers and women. Using this type of repression, over 30 thousand people dead. (Desaparecidos)