Methods of Elimination

Through the collection of information on missing persons it was discovered that the methods adopted by the repressors to get rid of the corpses were multiple.

Below are reported the most used techniques of suppression.

  • A poison bite directly in the heart or burns on the body.

  • Mass shootings of prisoners in a place called Pozo, where they were later thrown in a deep pit.

  • Mass graves were found in cemeteries all over the country full of prisoners shot, often unrecognizable, and recorded in the documents of cemeteries as N.N.

  • The incineration that was carried out by sprinkling the corpse with petrol or using the crematory ovens of cemeteries.

  • These people were thrown into the sea or rivers by airplanes during the so-called “Flights of Death”. Most of the bodies were later found along the beaches of Uruguay.


Captain Scilingo

In 2000 was published an interview in the weekly magazine Time with Captain Scilingo, a retired military officer, who at the time of the dictatorship was in force at the Navy.

The captain tells the journalist (Horacio Verbitsky) about the planes that, between 1976 and 1978, departed loads of prisoners from the airport of Buenos Aires to overthrow their cargo in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

The interview is full of shocking details such as the fact that at the beginning the prisoners were thrown alive into the ocean but then it was used to fell them asleep with an injection. The confession of Scilingo followed that of other soldiers.