Cambodia Interview

On the 27th we interviewed Raffaella Pulitanò to ask her about her travel to Cambodia and what she liked about it.

Here are some of the answers that she gave, below is the video with the full interview with all the answers and questions.

Why did you choose to go to Cambodia?

For a lifetime I wanted to see Angkor Wat, a famous temple and the trip itself was built around it.

When I hear the word Cambodia, the last thing that comes to my mind is that site, because I was struck and shocked by something else.

Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and is the largest religious monument in the world.

Does the social texture still show signs of the genocide or the regime? Are there any traces or any evidence?

One of the most iconic places that still shows deep signs of the genocide and the regime is the S21, in Phnom Penh . This place, born as a school, has been used to imprison Cambodian people and torture them. Still today it is possible to see pictures of prisoners. In addition to this are the so called "Killing Fields". Mothers and children were forcibly separated and newborns were killed with extreme brutality. All the dead where then thrown in a large hole in the ground. To remember these tragic events a mausoleum has been built: it contains 8000 skulls.

S21, the Genocide Museum

Would you recommend this travel?

Absolutely yes. It was supposed to be a 3 weeks' trip.

Although I only spent 2 days there, this was so full of emotions that even if I had had to return to Italy, the trip would already have had great significance. The journey I have made has many beautiful aspects, but also aspects of war, which we must nevertheless know. For the rest I would recommend it, but I would say that in general I would recommend any trip in the world.