

The organization was established with the Asunción Treaty signed on March 26, 1991 by Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. In 1995, customs duties between the four countries were abolished at the same time and a common customs tariff was introduced to third countries. The goal of Mercosur is to create a common market, even if there are still strong protectionist obstacles between the various states.


The OAS is an international regional organization that includes the 35 independent states of the Americas. The organization is the main political forum for multilateral dialogue and for solving political problems. The purpose of the organization is to maintain peace, strengthen democracy and human rights, and improve the social and economic conditions of the countries of America.


The G-Rio was a permanent association of political consultation of Latin America and Caribbean countries, created in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on December 18, 1986 with the purpose of creating better political relationships among the countries. It was succeeded in 2011 by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States


The Group of 15 (G-15) is an informal forum set up to foster cooperation and provide input for other international groups. It is composed of countries from Latin America, Africa, and Asia with a common goal of enhanced growth and prosperity. The G-15 focuses on cooperation among developing countries in the areas of investment, trade, and technology.