Cedar Point 7/8 Band Trip May 29,2024

7th & 8th Grade Band Trip Information

The 7th and 8th Grade Band will travel to Cedar Point on Wednesday May 29th, 2024. We will leave at 7:45 AM and will return approximately 10:00 PM. The approximate cost of this trip will be 85.00 per student and is based on an estimated number of students traveling, if the number is lower the cost per student may need to be adjusted and will be announced after all forms are turned in. This cost includes tickets to the park, an all-day food and drink wristband, a uniform t-shirt, and  bus transportation.
The Payment schedule for this trip is as follows; First payment of $30.00 is due by November 3rd, the second payment is 50% of the remaining balance due by February 9th, and the final balance is due by April 26th.

There is no cost for chaperones, they will be selected on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in chaperoning please send a note with this form. Include your cell phone, email , and t-shirt size.
Students should update their shirt size on their CHARMS account before returning this slip.
Payments can be made at any time before the dates above, please check CHARMS for student account balances or to make payments using a credit card. Please remember that trips are not a right but a reward. Students must remain in good standing with the band and their classroom teachers to be eligible for this trip.
Cancellations for Cedar Point must be made in writing no later than February 9th. Any cancellations after that date will be subject to cancellation fees.