What a busy couple of weeks year 3 have had!

It was lovely to see so many of you at parents evening and to be able to show you what your child has been busy doing!

We have continued with our maths topic of 'addition and subtraction'. This week, we have really challenged our understanding by looking at renaming with regards to subtraction. We did touch on this in year 2 but this year, we have explored this area with larger numbers and when questions need double renaming. There has been some wonderful explanations from the children about how to solve the questions using the column method.

We have come to the end of our writing journey with the story 'Akimbo's Adventures'. Over the last two weeks, we have been rewriting the chapter 'The Hunt'. Whilst writing this chapter, the children have really thought about the language that they are choosing to use as well as the grammar focus' of the week. This weeks focus was to use fronted adverbials. Many children came up with adverbials such as 'in the distance', 'in the blink of an eye'. We were very impressed with the language used.

Last week, we were very lucky to have a music workshop, held by RockSteady! During the initial assembly, the children were introduced to a range of instruments, had a definition of what each of them were and then a mini performance with each of them. Following on from this, the children were then invited to try and play the different instruments and put them together to form a band! It was great fun! All the children thoroughly enjoyed it.

This week also marked the end of our topic! To celebrate, we have had our very own 'Africa Day' in which we have completed a range of activities based around Africa. Some of these have been creating an acrostic poem, discovering all about Africa and completing a fact file and creating a piece of artwork based on the animals and scenery found in Africa. We have all has a wonderful day celebrating our topic!

From year 3, we wish you all a fun but restful half term! We'll see you all again on Tuesday 1st November.