Year 2 have had two very busy weeks of learning, as always.

In Maths we continue with the chapter 'Addition'. We are now learning to add when renaming is required. This is a tricky concept but we are using Base Ten resources to understand how to do it, exchanging ten ones for a ten. We can then do our sums using a column method. We are also learning our 2s, 10s and 5s timetables but we need to practise more at home, so we will need your help to encourage your child to play Times Tables Rockstars and DoodleTables as often as possible. Some or our children are becoming confident mathematicians whilst competing against other children in the same year group. Well done to our top Rockstars and Doodlers for all your efforts.

In English we are exploring the story 'The Day the Crayons Came Home'. We have designed our own house for our crayons and we have used descriptive vocabulary to describe what it looks like. This week we have written our own version of the story, paying attention to the beginning, middle and end of the story to ensure we write it in chronological order. We are learning to edit and proof read our work so we can improve our writing skills.

We have become Word Collectors and so far we have explored the words suggested, wonderful, sometimes, reverse, clever and magnificent. We have spelt the words, found their meaning, found synonyms for them and used them in a sentence. We have also used them in our writing. We can't wait to collect more words!

Last Thursday we attended the Rocksteady launch assembly and workshop and we had the chance to form a band and play instruments and sing. It was great fun.

Our Year 2 have demonstrated they are amazing artists using different techniques such as pointillism. They created their own pictures of animals using this technique. They also designed their own House Team badge as part of a competition. It will be very difficult to choose a winner amongst so many talented children! For our RE lesson, they created a Kind poster and on Friday we discussed how we need to show racism the red card.

Our PE days will change in Autumn 2. Crystal Class will have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays and Garnet Class will have theirs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The Year 2 team wish you a restful half term and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 1st November.