Loran Scholarship

Loran Scholars Foundation

The selection of a Loran Scholar is unique in its attention to a young person’s character. We believe that integrity, courage, grit and personal autonomy are better indicators of overall potential than standard academic measures. To discover these traits, we administer the most comprehensive and thorough scholarship selection process in Canada. Tenable at 25 partner universities, the Loran Award is valued at more than $100,000 over four years, including mentorship, funding for summer work experiences and participation in an extensive network of past and present scholars. This year, we are offering up to 36 Loran Awards. In addition, we are granting up to 124 Finalist and Provincial & Territorial Awards ($6,000 or $2,000 each, respectively) to promising candidates. 

Due Date: October 11th. 

To Do: 


Our partner universities demonstrate their trust in our selection process by waiving tuition for Loran Scholars. They join us in stewarding scholars throughout their undergraduate studies by designating a staff member who serves as their point of contact. This partnership is unique in Canada.


Dalhousie University
Memorial University
Mount Allison University
University of King’s College
University of New Brunswick


McGill University
Université Laval
Université de Montréal
Université de Sherbrooke


McMaster University
Queen’s University
Toronto Metropolitan University
University of Guelph
University of Ottawa
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
Western University
York University


University of Alberta
University of Calgary
University of Manitoba
University of Saskatchewan


Simon Fraser University
University of British Columbia
University of Victoria