WES Scholarship

Who Can Apply? 

Applicants must be newcomers to Canada who arrived no more than five years before the application deadline (i.e. applicants for the October 31 2023 deadline must have arrived in Canada after October 30 2018). Applicants must be students registered in high school or post-secondary (college or university) education at the time of application or newcomers who are under 25 years of age and who wish to gain access to post-secondary education.

Applicants will need to give evidence of the financial hardships that prevent them from registering in their desired courses. International students are eligible; however, evidence will be required to show that their financial challenges are due to circumstances not foreseen when they applied to study in Canada.

What are the Scholarships for? 

Newcomer Scholarships can be used for tuition fees to take courses run by recognized institutions (e.g. college, university, community organization) and for any materials (e.g. books, stationery, equipment) necessary to complete the course(s). The goal of the course(s) should be to enable applicants to continue in a program in which they are already registered or to develop the skills required for the applicant to gain access into post-secondary education.

To Do List: