Personal Computers/Adding Wifi 



Their username is:  lastname_studentID

Their password is: their known password/google password. Or, if they are new it is their YYYYMMDD

**IF students have previously tried to connect to LISD-GUEST network, they need to first "FORGET" the Guest network,  "FORGET" the LISD network,  and restart before connecting with the settings listed below.   If you attempt 5 times you will be locked out for 10 min.  Wait the 10 minutes before trying again.


*if your phone asks you to Trust anything - say yes.   

*if your phone asks for any other settings look above a the Connecting to LISD WIFI on Android/Kindle/Other devices 

**because everyone has a different device I cannot add specific instructions for specific brands/versions/technology here.  Some devices may ask for all this information, some may only ask for parts. These settings should work for your device.  If not, then please refer to your device instructions or your specific phone carrier for further troubleshooting.