AP Music Theory


Mrs. Kennedy's Office Hours (scheduled school days only):

10:00 am to 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

New Information Regarding the AP Music Theory Exam - May 2019.pdf

AP Music Theory Exam Info

All AP exams will be administered online this year. The AP Music Theory test is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19 at 11:00 am CST. This date and time is non-negotiable. Put this information on your calendar and make the necessary arrangements to be available! More details regarding how the test will be administered and submitted will be provided on or after April 28, 2020.

APMuTh Test Date: Tuesday, May 19th @ 11:00 am

April 27th to May 1st assignments

  • NEW! Error detection Free Response Question #5 - woohoo!

    1. Carefully read the Guidelines for Error Detection and Definitions of Common Voice-Leading Errors linked below. This is a review of rules we have learned...please pay close attention to what you read!

    2. Print the Error Detection Worksheet (or carefully copy the provided examples onto staff paper).

    3. Examine each sample thoughtfully for part-writing errors as described in the Guidelines document.

    4. Circle or box each error and assign it a number. On a separate piece of paper, identify what type of error has occurred for each of your findings (i.e., #1 parallel octaves/8ves; #2 - more than six leaps in the upper three voices combined, etc.).

  • Log into the Sightreading Factory and complete 2 sight-singing exercises (2 - one in major - simple time signature, one in harmonic minor - compound time signature). The exercises are going to become increasingly difficult, so take time to practice if you are struggling. Once completed, I will listen and send feeback by email or through the SRF comment section. Log the date and time completed on your digital learning log.

  • Watch the review videos for this week. Record the date and time that you viewed each video on the digital learning log (download below).

Scroll down to access this week's videos and uploaded exercises.

General Strategies for Sight-Singing (Pt. 1)

Monday, April 27, 2020

General Strategies for Sight-Singing (Pt. 2)

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Strategies for Part-Writing from Figured Bass Symbols

Wed., April 29, 2020

Strategies for Completing Free Response Questions

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Strategies for Part-Writing from Roman Numerals

Friday, May 1, 2020

Error Detection Worksheet

error detection-frq #5_Apr27-May1.pdf

Error Detection Guidelines

FRQ #5 Scoring Guidelines (Synopsis).pdf

Definitions of Common Voice-Leading Errors

Definitions of Common Voice-Leading Errors.pdf
AP Music Theory - Digital Learning Log

Download a copy of this log to record your progress. Turn your completed form in each week via the assignment link above.

Click HERE for Links to AP Music Theory Resources and Additional Review Videos provided by the College Board

Remember...mastering college-level Music Theory is a skill that must be practiced daily! Use your resources and you can't go wrong!