
Our students navigate 2 bus systems.  One bus system transports them to and from their home school to the North Hollywood Main Campus.  Another shuttle bus transports them from the NHHS Main Campus to the Zoo Magnet Campus.

Our school NEEDS buses in order to function and we want to support our bus drivers.  Please follow your bus driver's rules.  Be prepared to show your bus pass.  Make sure to thank your driver every day!


Home Route Bus

The district provides transportation to/from a school by your home as long as you live more than a 5 mile radius away from North Hollywood High School (NHHS).  If you are not sure if you qualify, here is a map showing NHHS' boundary.  Make sure to get to your stop at least 5 minutes before your scheduled pick up time.  If you would like to verify your route, you have questions regarding transportation, or your bus is late please call the LAUSD Transportation Division at (800) LA- BUSES / (800) 522-8737 or call the Zoo Magnet Office at (323) 660- 0165. 

Shuttle Bus

The morning shuttle to the Zoo Magnet leaves NHHS at 8am.  Please board the first available shuttle. If you miss a shuttle bus, please report directly to the office. If you miss the morning bus, we will contact parents to inform them and ask if they can give you a ride to the Zoo Magnet. If not, students should wait in the NHHS main office until the nutrition bus. If you miss the nutrition bus to the Zoo Magnet, you must report to the office. We will try to get you another bus but, if not, you will have to wait at the NHHS main campus until someone from your emergency card can pick you up. There are no buses to the Zoo Magnet after nutrition. If you miss the lunch bus from Zoo to NHHS, you can get a ride from someone on your emergency card or stay at the Zoo Magnet until end of day. PLEASE NOTE that any classes missed due to a missed shuttle bus will be UNEXCUSED absences. Please call the Zoo Magnet Office with any questions at (323) 660-0165.

Late Bus

Late buses are provided for students who participate in teams.  Late buses leave from the North Hollywood Campus at 6:55pm on Mondays, Wednesdays ,Thursdays, and Fridays except for the first and last weeks of the school semester. There are no late buses on short days (Tuesdays) or minimum days.

Dual Stop

If a student would like to be dropped off or picked up at another assigned location, please complete a Dual Stop Form.  Click here to download a form.  Forms are also available in the Zoo Magnet Office.

Bus Tardy

Each bus driver has tardy passes.  Make sure to ask your driver for a tardy pass if your bus was late. If you are shuttling to the Zoo Magnet, check in at the office to clear your tardy.

Student Drivers

Student drivers must complete a Student Driver Permit and display the sticker on the cars when parking at the Zoo Magnet Campus.  At no time may student drivers transport other students during school hours.