Zoo Crew

What is Zoo Crew?

Zoo Crew is a collective of student leaders from 9th-12th grade representing the interests, concerns, needs, and well-being of the Zoo Magnet student body. 


Our mission is to build and maintain community between and within our diverse student body. We do this by planning and hosting various student-led events that support students socially and academically. Our goal is to provide opportunities for students to become their best selves and achieve their goals.  


Our vision is to engage, honor, and uplift student voice to represent the needs and interests of the diverse student body of North Hollywood HS Zoo Magnet. We recognize our age, socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, religious, linguistic, and ability diversity and seek to ensure all students are heard, supported, and respected in our school.

What does Zoo Crew do?

Zoo Crew works to plan events for the school community (Halloween costume contest and festival, Zoolapalooza, etc.) and grade level events (freshmen-senior picnic, sophomore-junior picnic, college trip, senior trip, etc.). They also ensure that student voice is heard and represented in discussions of school policy. For example, students in Zoo Crew were instrumental in pushing for additional mental health services, resulting in the addition of a psychiatric social worker being assigned to the Zoo Magnet two days a week for the 2020-2021 school year.

Interested in joining Zoo crew?

Applications are available in April each school year for the following year. Please check back for details!