Dartford Primary Academy
"Determined, Persistent Achievers - learning to change the world"
End of Term Newsletter
15th December 2023
Principal's Welcome
As the year draws to an end, we have much to celebrate here at DPA. As you will see from reading this today, our school community is a vibrant, welcoming and happy place for our children and now we approach one of my favourite times of year, Christmas.
I have shared at every Christmas performance how proud I am to lead such a wonderful community with such talented and confident children. Our children have recited poetry, remembered whole nativity scenes in both English and French and have sung beautifully in the closing weeks of term to celebrate this magical time of year.
This poem reflects the last few weeks here with our children…
I’ve been waiting for Christmas
And it’s almost here
I’ve been waiting for Christmas
Santa’s getting near
Can’t you hear the sleigh bells ringing?
Reindeer up so high
Can’t you hear the children singing
As they watch the sky?
I recently read a post that reminded me of the importance of family and memories at Christmas. I ask all parents to know that when your child returns to us in January they will share the silly stories, the memories made from trying new foods, the wintery walks or family gatherings along with their presents. Please remember this time is precious and make as many memories as possible for them to remember and share on our return.
I hope you enjoy reading about the term our children have had. It has been a blast!
I wish everyone in our community a safe, happy and peaceful Chritsmas and a great start to the new year.
I look forward to seeing you all in 2024!