Scholarship Financial Planning


There are lots of scholarships out there. It is very important to stay organized and develop a plan. Look on college websites for scholarships. It's important to look on the main scholarship page and under your major. Most college scholarships are due in the fall of your senior year. In addition to colleges, many organizations also offer scholarships. I have provided several links to the right. When you find scholarships that fit you, write down the scholarship, due date, and what you need to apply. Give your recommenders plenty of time to write a recommendation--at least two weeks.

Local scholarships are sent out via Remind, so be sure you are signed up for the LCHS Counselor Remind. Most local scholarships are available in the spring.

Other Documentation for Scholarships

Please give the counseling office at least a week to complete rating scales, GPA information, or to give you a hard copy of your transcript. Remember, you are not the only one who needs something. :) To request these documents, fill out the form outside the guidance office. Leave the form and your document in your counselor's mailbox. Please do not complete academic information. I prefer to do that. I will not just sign the form for you. I must verify that the information is accurate. More often than not, students fill out their academic information incorrectly. It is an honest mistake. In fact, most leave off some honors classes, etc.

Print Your Scholarship Applications

Scholarship applications look better when they are typed. Your counselor is happy to print off your completed application if you complete it, and ask a few days before the due date.

Letter of Recommendation for Scholarships

If you need a letter of recommendation from Mrs. Thomas, then please complete the request form. Mrs. Thomas will tailor her letter to fit the needs of each scholarship or college. She will not provide students with a generic letter to edit or copy. She also does not provide letters for local scholarships.


Having a résumé helps students when requesting letters of recommendation, applying for jobs, completing scholarship applications, and completing college applications. Create a résumé no later than mid-September of your senior year.


College-bound students and their parents need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Even if you don't think you will qualify, some scholarships require a Student Aid Report (SAR) as part of the application. Completing the FAFSA may seem overwhelming, but there are plenty of free resources to help you. I encourage all students to sign up for help from the Educational Opportunity Center and to start looking at the FAFSA Checklist and the FAFSA Toolkit. Although you can't apply for financial aid until October 1st, you can create your FSA ID. The child and parent may not use the same e-mail address. Students should also use personal e-mail accounts since they will not have access to their school e-mail accounts after graduation. You need to remember your username and passwords because you will need to be able to log in each year. It would be a good idea to write your information on this FSA ID Password Information Sheet. Put the paper with your other important documents.

Remember, in October, you will apply using the 2021/2022 FAFSA.


We will have our LCHS FAFSA night on October 1st from 11:30 - 6:30 PM at the LaRue County Public Library. Representatives will be there to help you. Please bring your student laptop, and refer to the FAFSA Checklist for all other required items.


1. How to Create Your FSA ID

2. FSA ID Password and Information Sheet

3. Create Your FSA ID