Year 6

Year 6’s central idea this term was “The perception and use of light has changed throughout the ages”. Through this central idea, the children's first line of inquiry was to look into the understanding of light throughout time. Both Year 6  classes looked into myths throughout the ages and began to understand why people created myths surrounding light. Using this information, the children retold myths from different time periods. To build quality writing, the class took part in research and drama based skill lessons. Following this, pupils drew conclusions that the reason that we don’t have modern sun myths is because, through science, we now know how light is brought to the world. 

Our second line of inquiry was ‘An inquiry into the impact light has’. As a part of this, the year group looked at extreme light variation in Tromso, Norway. Pupils identified and compared the differences between Tromso and where we live. Even though geographically we are in Europe, due to Tromso being within the Arctic circle, they spend three months of the year in darkness (Polar Night) and three months of the year with just sunlight (Polar Day). The children created wonderful Northern Light landscapes to support their learning of the environment. Year 6 pupils have also looked into the impact light has on wellbeing and how vital it is to our mental wellbeing. 

Finally, looking into the progression of science surrounding light, the children became time travellers and visited Ami Argand and Thomas Edison. Pupils then compared and debated who was the most influential to our modern day world.