Year 2

Central idea:  'Artistic expression influences our lives.'

Year 2’s Central Idea was about how Artistic expression influences our lives. We began our inquiry by looking at all types of art including: dance, music and drawing. There was plenty of discussion about how this art made us feel and how it influenced us. The children decided to then focus more around artists and dance. They conducted research on some famous Artists including Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo. They developed their artistic skills by learning to mix primary and secondary colours and then using tints and tones to make different shades. The book 'Katie and the Starry Sky' provided inspiration for creating their own painting in the style of Van Gogh using all their skills. 

As part of our inquiry children wrote persuasive letters to a local dance teacher inviting her in to host a workshop for them. We then focused on narratives and how illustrators help bring stories to life. We used the book 'Chalk' to provide inspiration and have created our own chalk illustrations and written our own stories


This term Year 2 children have been reading the below books as part of developing our reading skills. Each book linked to our lines of inquiry.