
Central idea: 'Storytelling Connects Us With Others'

Lines of Inquiry: 1) An inquiry into how people communicate with others. 

    2) An exploration of how people celebrate their cultures in stories. 

3) An inquiry into how we express ourselves through stories. 

This term we have welcomed our new learners into the Nursery class. Our Central Idea was about how Storytelling Connects Us with Others. The children have explored the key features of a story using words such as ‘front cover’ and ‘author’ to talk about the stories that have been shared. The children also explored how we can communicate in different ways, learning more makaton to help our communication in the nursery as well as how technology can help us communicate with others. The children have enjoyed using our Yoto player to listen to a range of familiar and new stories. 

Our inquiries then developed into exploring stories from different cultures, looking at Lunar New Year and the story of Mr Wolf’s Pancakes. The children have also explored different ways in which they can retell stories using small world toys, puppets and resources within the nursery. The children thoroughly enjoyed their role play workshop during this week where they have explored storytelling and pretending to be different characters. Keep it up Super Seedlings!