Year 1

Central idea: 'Seasonal changes and the weather influence the features of our environment.'

1. An inquiry into seasons and how we recognise them.

2. An inquiry into how our environment changes depending on the season or weather.

3. An inquiry into how our environment changes depending on the season or weather.

Science and Geography Skills

This was a practical inquiry where the children learnt how to forecast the weather around the United Kingdom.  They created their own weather instruments to record the weather and kept a weather diary to record the weather over a period of five days.  

Taking Action

Year 1 took action by creating their own stories about how the weather changes according to the seasons. They used the book 'The Tree' for inspiration. They then developed their computing skills when they replicated their written story on Book Creator, a digital book shelf of their published story.


Here is a catchy tune the children learned and shared at the parent workshop.

Reading Rainbows

This term, Year 1 children have been reading the below books.  Each book linked to our lines of inquiry.

Learning through play - Collaborative learning, Jubilee and Enterprise Classes

Year 1 children enjoyed learning together through a free flow approach , having access to both classrooms and the outside areas.  The children use agency of voice, choice and ownership in this learning.


The focus for our phonics this term has been recalling all previous sounds learnt and then the split digraphs. Here are some examples of the words they have learnt.

Maths Skills

Year 1 children have deepened their understanding of numbers up to 20.  They have explored numbers in the environments and the purpose of number in the wider world.

Supporting your child at home:

Daily reading to develop fluency and phonics knowledge.

The number bonds to 20. 

Capital letters.