JUNE Updates

News from the Scholarship Program

27.06.2018 | A day without an update is a day wasted, so here we go!

              • πŸ†• [Student Services] We've relaunched the page! Now you can find there an easy way to understand what help resources are available to you, no matter whether you seek for support on your project, job search or motivation. It's ALL IN THERE. Together with links!
              • 🍿 [Tech Webinars] MWS students! We've added links to two latest webinars with Doug Brown, who did P1 and P2 project walkthrough ONLY FOR YOU.
              • 🍿 [Career Webinars] We've added links to two recent webinars: "Constructing a Tech Resume That Will Get Noticed" with Nidhi Gupta and "Understanding Equity" with Michelle Lai. Enjoy watching.
              • πŸ€ [Study Jams] We've added a new page where you can find all the livestream links to previous SJs, date of the upcoming one, and also some helpful stats on the effectiveness of Study Jams as learning sessions.

Attack your project like Captain Tsubasa this poor football!

22.06.2018 | What is Knowledge? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

This new feature appeared in the classrooms of Android students on June 12th, and Web students a little earlier – on May 25th. From now on Knowledge is where you go to if you click on 'Forums' link in your classroom.

So what is it? Will it replace Forums? Will it replace mentors?! Why should you use it? Read on and get answers to all these questions, and even more.

Knowledge is our new technical Q&A platform. It's intensively moderated to curate the most useful content to help unblock you on tough projects and help grow your skills and expertise.

Will Knowledge replace Forums? Eventually – yes. But until the end of the Scholarship you will definitely be able to access the "old" Forums in case you want to look back at old resources or just simply feel melancholic about good old times.

Will Knowledge replace Mentors? Definitely no!

Why Knowledge is better than Forums? Because it's MUCH easier to navigate, you have trained mentors there available 24/7, and because change is always good.

Here are some pro-tips for using Knowledge:

                  • Always search first. If you have a question, it's likely that one of your peers has already asked it and received responses! Searching will help you get the information you need as quickly as possible.
                  • Use tags: Whenever you ask a question about one of your Nanodegree projects, be sure to tag the appropriate project so your post will be easy to find in the future.
                  • Provide context & details: Add all relevant information when you are posting a question so others can best help you out. Upvote questions and answers that you find helpful!
                  • Accept helpful answers to questions you post so that other students will know which responses are most helpful.
                  • Help others: Filter by projects that you have completed in order to help your peers and deepen your mastery of the material.
                  • Grow our collective Knowledge: if a question you ask gets answered in Slack or with your mentor and isn't in Knowledge yet, add it in! The more we expand our communal expertise, the more you'll continue to learn from your peers.

21.06.2018 | Here're some news:

              • πŸ‘•[T-shirts Competition] It's finally here! We created a brand new page dedicated to this fantastic initiative. Find there the story of the contest, as well as the photos of all the Udacity Students (but not only!) who already got their student-designed Udacity swag shipped! So far we have sold a huge 310 units, and donated $256! In case you did not order it yet, don't waste any minute and do it HERE! All the profits go to WeCare Africa.
              • 🌟[Student Spotlight] Read the story of Violeta, who before joining the Scholarship studied art and curation. As she said "I was very overwhelmed with everything I need to learn and I felt like I could definitely not do it, especially at 29-years-old without a tech background." Check out her story to see how she managed to conquer her fear and Memory Game project too :) And don't forget to get to know other students we featured in Student Spotlight this month!
              • πŸ†•[FAQ] Since some of you asked, we've added an answer to a new question: "Will I have to pay the term-based prices in case I don't manage to finish my Nanodegree by August 15?"

11.06.2018 | Are you ready for this week's Tech AMAs? πŸŽ‰βœ¨πŸŽˆ

What: Tech AMA ("Ask Me Anything") session - a learning session for any technical questions you might have, not related to any specific project.

When: Every second Thursday, 17:00-18:00 CEST (starting this week!)

How: Student Leaders will be answering your technical questions on Slack chat. So just come this Thursday on one of the following channels (depending on your track) and post your question there:

                • #abnd-live-help
                • #and-live-help
                • #fend-live-help
                • #mws-live-help

❗NOTE: Student Leaders are just few and you are so many, so we cannot guarantee every question will be answered. What we CAN promise though is that we will do our best! πŸ’ͺ

7.06.2018 | ❗❗❗Important Information for ABND and MWS students! ❗❗❗

Even tough the DEADLINES page shows your last deadlines set at July, you have time until August 15 to graduate.

These deadlines are based on timelines set by our Nanodegree team (and based on the time it takes an average student to complete the respective program). But again, YOU HAVE TIME UNTIL AUGUST 15!

6.06.2018 | Udacity Launches Free Career Courses! πŸŽ‰

Wohoo!! We are very excited to announce that Udacity launched the new, free Career courses!

Some of these courses you already know from your classroom, however there are also the news ones, extended by Udacity and Google career experts.

This way you get an comprehensive range of valuable career guidance and training. They cover everything from networking and personal branding to technical interview preparation and cover letter optimisation.

You can read the full story in the article recently published by VP of Careers at Udacity.

Explore all 12 new Udacity Career courses here, or go right to the course you’re most interested in below:

Get ready to β€˜graduate’ to your dream job!! πŸŽ‰

4.06.2018 | Happy Monday everyone! Whoa, it's June already. Time flies fast, huh?

We want to encourage all the students from Eastern Europe and around to join the...

What is it?

This summer, Google Developers team is touring ten countries and fourteen cities in Europe in a colorful community bus. They'll be visiting university campuses and technology parks to meet you locally and talk about their programs for developers and start-ups. The bus will stop in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia and Bulgaria.

The bus will stop in each of the locations between 12.00 pm and 4.00 pm. For more details, check schedule.

What to expect:

βœ… Information: learn more about how Google supports developer communities around the world, from content, speakers to a global network

βœ… Network: with other community organizers from your city

βœ… Workshops: join some of our product workshops on tour (Actions on Google, Google Cloud, Machine Learning), and meet with Google teams

βœ… Fun: live music, games and more!