Mental Health Awareness

We all have mental health.  Mental health includes  psychological, emotional and social well-being, and impacts our response to stressors, our relationships and our decisions. Children and teens; as well as adults, have been adjusting to changes in routines, school, and social lives. How students respond to these changes may vary.  Adjusting to changes can normally cause some level of difficulty or stress.  If your child or teen exhibits an ongoing pattern of  behaviors as noted below,  you may want to seek additional assistance from your child’s healthcare provider or school counselor. 

Adapted from Mental Health America

Screening for Mental Health Concerns

Screening tools should not replace professional help from licensed medical or mental health provider.

Mindwise Innovations offers free, anonymous and confidential, brief outline screening for behavioral health.  Following completion of a brief questionnaire about yourself and how you are feeling, you receive explanations about our moods and behaviors, recommendations and resources.

Behavioral Health Screening 

Mental Health America provides free and anonymous screening for young people and adults, and provides next steps.

Online youth screen 

Online parent screen 

Understanding and Recognizing Mental Health Concerns in Children and Teens 

Family-friendly website designed for parents of school-aged children in Massachusetts who are worried about their child's mental health. Is your kid just being a kid or is their behavior something to worry about? If so, what are the next steps you can take?

Understanding Youth Mental Health - Questions Parents Frequently Ask.pdf

This guide answers questions such as  " How do I know if my child's emotional or behavioral challenges are just a stage that she will outgrow?",  " I think my child needs professional health, how do I choose a mental health clinician, practitioner or provider?"  I think my child needs professional help, how do I choose a mental health clinician, practitioner, or provider?", and more.  

Families for Depression Awareness

Helps families recognize and cope with depression and bipolar disorder to get people well and prevent suicides. Resources, articles, screening tools, webinars and events. 

Shine Mental Health Toolkit-Website.Final_.pdf

The Shine Initiative Toolkit provides helpful information to engage in conversations about needing help, warning signs of suicide, ways to improve your mental health and coping strategies for students at all developmental levels. 

Mental Health America provided this toolkit during the July 2021 Minority Mental Health Month  to increase awareness.  The final pages include resources for Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic/Asian American & Pacific Islander, Native & Indigenous, and LGBTQ Communities. 


Understanding Anxiety in Kids & Teens

 Mclean Hospital, Harvard Medical School Affiliate

Helping Your Child Understand Mental Health 

hrn-stress (1).pdf

44 Children's Books 

Curated list from Child Mind Institute includes description and age of appropriateness. 
