6. Microbes and disease

Introduction to microbes and disease

Lister and semmelweis.mp4

Lister and Semmelweiss

Victorian surgery.mp4

Victorian surgery

  1. Why did doctors not want to wash their hands before surgery?

  2. Why should they wash their hands before surgery?

  3. How would you expect a modern operating theatre to look compared to the one shown in the video?

  4. What would doctors now do differently?

1. What are microorganisms?

What are microorganisms introduction

Fungal diseases

What are viruses?

What are bacteria

Unicellular vs multicellular

2. Can microorganisms be harmful?

What are pathogens?

Parasites and hosts

3. The bodies defences?

The first line of defence

What are white blood cells

Lymphocytes and phagocytes