
Announcements & Opportunities

Check back regularly for new information.


Colleges have admissions representatives in the Commons during 4th and 5th periods. Students wishing to visit with the representative should do so on their own time.

September 13~ Airforce

September 19~ Army

September 25~ Augustana College

October 4~ University of Sioux Falls

October 21~ Marines

October 28~ Augustana College

October 29~ Dakota State University

October 29~ Macalester College, St Paul

November 13~ University of Sioux Falls

November 15~ SD School of Mines

November 19~ Augustana College

December 19~ Augustana College

SD Legislative Page Program

High school juniors and seniors have the opportunity to apply to be a page for the 2025 Legislative Session. Deadline to apply is Friday, October 4.

See link for additional information and application: Page Program | South Dakota Legislature ( 

Drivers Education

 Information can be found here:

Remember to use the SD Drivers Manual to study from. They can be picked up for free at the DMV. The online study guides do not help students pass the SD test.

SD Drivers Manual