architectural design & Engineering technology

program of study: architectural design

For students interested in engineering and architecture careers it is highly recommended to take a program of study that includes Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) in their coursework. Students entering college that specialize in these careers are expected to be able to perform these skills.

IET Core & Design Technology, Nov 4, 2020 10_44 AM.webm

foundations of architectural design

ACCN#: TAF1000

Foundations of Architectural Design is a FIRST year course designed to inform students about careers in architecture. This course serves as the foundation course for the Architectural Design program of study. Upon completion of the course, a proficient student will have foundational knowledge of the process of architectural design, sketching and technical drawing techniques, and basic tool usage. As part of a student’s program of study progression, the student will create a digital program of study portfolio, providing evidence of mastery of course standards and readiness to advance and complete the program of study.

architectural design 1

ACCN#: TAA2000

*See Foundations of Architectural Design video for more information.

Architectural Design 1 is a SECOND year course (recommended for grades 10-12) that provides classroom learning experiences that is found in drafting technology. Learning activities include design, spatial visualization techniques, sketching and use of instruments, shape and size description, multi-view projection, auxiliaries, rotation, pictorial drawings, and include AutoCAD 2021.

Prerequisite: Foundations of Architectural Design (TAF1000)

architectural design 2


*See Foundations of Architectural Design video for more information.

Architectural Design 2 is the third course in the Architectural Design program of study designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply skills learned in previous courses and continue to strengthen their individual design process and aesthetics across a series of real-world applications. Upon completion of the course, a proficient student will have foundational knowledge on various types of architecture, including sustainable architecture and architectural standards for various building types, as well as design constraints such as topography, site analysis, client wishes. A proficient student will demonstrate continued practice and refinement of technical drawing skills (freehand, manual, and CAD)and modeling techniques through a series of design projects.

Prerequisite: Architectural Design 1 (TAA2000)

program of study: Engineering technology

The Engineering program is designed for students interested in the various disciplines of engineering and engineering technology. Learning experiences allow for students to develop critical thinking skills and an understanding of engineering concepts and then apply these in conjunction with a multi-step engineering design process to solve real-world problems.

Introduction to Engineering -

foundations of engineering technology

ACCN#: TAE1000

Foundations of Engineering Technology is a FIRST year course designed to inform students about careers in engineering. This course serves as the foundation course for the Engineering program of study. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will have foundational knowledge of the engineering design process, sketching and technical drawing techniques, and foundational elements to engineering and the role of math.


engineering technology 1

ACCN#: TAE2000

Engineering Technology 1 is the SECOND year course in the Engineering program of study design to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be successful in various fields in engineering. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will have foundational understanding of the role of static and hydraulic in design, internal and external considerations in engineering design, and civil and mechanical engineering. Students will also demonstrate technical knowledge and skills through continued technical drawings and models of varying complexity.

Prerequisite: Foundations of Engineering Technology (TAE1000)