Homecoming Week

Please sign up: Signup Genius Link


This is a super fun event, typically held at the beginning of October, or end of September. Volunteers are needed to help with decorating the gym, locker room and parade float. The Committee Chair may need help with purchasing of supplies or creative ideas. Note: These volunteers are ONLY helping for volleyball related Homecoming activities. The Homecoming dance and other associated events are put together through a completely different NON-volleyball committee.

We need a trailer to use as a parade float that the girls will ride on and that will be decorated, and a truck to pull it. If you have access to either or both of these items, please let us know!

TIME COMMITMENT: Several hours on the day of the Homecoming Parade / Homecoming Game (may not be the same day)


Two chair people are needed for this position. They will be responsible for coordinating efforts to decorate the locker room, work on the balloon arch, and coordinate the truck / trailer for the parade. This is a fun event, and many additional volunteers are needed for this event as well. Note: These chair people are ONLY helping for volleyball related Homecoming activities. The Homecoming dance and other associated events are put together through a completely different NON-volleyball committee.

TIME COMMITMENT: 20+ hours for planning and decorating. The chairs of this committee need to be available for the entire Homecoming parade, and for the mornings for the entire week of homecoming. ​