Concession Stands

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:   Signup Genius Link
2 COMMITTEE CHAIRS:  Signup Genius Link 

Players and adults will work the concessions stand during home games. They will be responsible for cooking quick items (quesadillas, pretzels, nachos, etc.), dispensing beverages and candies, etc. They will also be responsible for handling money. A minimum of 3 parents will work together, 3 during the JV game, and 3 during the Varsity game. Boosters will probably utilize a Signup Genius to get initial volunteers, and then will assign the remaining slots. It is the responsibility of each family to cover their shift, or get it covered. Working the concessions stand is required. **Since COVID, we don't know exactly what type of food we will be able to serve - so this may look slightly different than described above.​

​TIME COMMITMENT: ​Approximately 1 hour per shift


At least 2 people are needed to chair this position. Those adults will need to take inventory of food / snack items, shop for those items and restock them, ensure that the pricing of the items is in line with other schools, etc. The chairs of concession will be responsible for balancing the money, and ensuring that the proper volunteers have completed their concession duty. This does NOT mean that the Committee Chairs need to fill in for adults that are not able to fulfill their commitment. ​​

​TIME COMMITMENT: 2-3 hours a week