2022 AAEEBL Student Panel

Thursday, July 21, 11:00-12:00 PST / 2:00-3:00 EST

We’ll hear from voices across the ePortfolio spectrum: project-oriented ePortfolios, course-based ePortfolios, internship ePortfolios, graduate-program level ePortfolios, and more. Join us as we hear student perspectives then open the chat for Q&A learn more about the opportunities and challenges that emerge with ePortfolios.

The Student Panel features a variety of voices:

a sophomore fresh out of her first ePortfolio course,

ePortfolio student ambassadors/consultants,

doctoral graduates who used ePortfolios as part of their dissertations, and more.

Thank you for visiting our AAEEBL Student Panel presentation website.

The Student Panel convenes July 21 at 11AM Pacific/ 2PM Eastern.

Panelist worked together to build a shared presentation ePortfolio that includes links to their ePortfolios and comments/reflections on their ePortfolio experiences. Panelist names are listed below along with links to their ePortfolios. You can read more about each panelist by visiting their TAB, hyperlinked below.


Invited Panelists

Student/Professional ePortfolio http://sites.google.com/iu,edu/sophiedemoeportfolio/home

Project-Based Micro-ePortfolio for a Community Client in the 2021 Institute for Engaged Learning Showcase https://getengaged.iupui.edu/showcase/2021/pbl/w231/woman-4-change.html

Higher Education Futures: The Transformative Potential of using Critical Foresights Practices & Arts Based Research in our Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, and Incomprehensible (BANI) World


Link to our Team Recommendation Report ePortfolio for our community client: Copper Trace


Link to Life Health Sciences Internship ePortfolio in 2021 the Institute for Engaged Learning Showcase https://getengaged.iupui.edu/showcase/2021/pbl/w131/saadeh-yaqoub.html

Link to first year writing ePortfolio in 2021 the Institute for Engaged Learning Showcase https://getengaged.iupui.edu/showcase/2021/pbl/w131/saadeh-yaqoub.html

Link to Professional Writing Skills ePortfolio created for our semester assignments (course-oriented ePortfolio)


Link to Professional Writing Skills ePortfolio created for our community client: IU School of Medicine (project-oriented ePortfolio)
