How would you describe your ePortfolio experience/expertise?

Recent graduate from an MS program with an ePortfolio Thesis.

A brief history + Hyperlink to your ePortfolio/s

In my current role at the university, I support technology labs, classrooms, and the university Helpdesk.


ePortfolio for Inge Mares



Guiding Principles

Learning Outcomes

Comprehensive Project



Learning Outcomes: Professional Skills
(One of 5 Learning Outcomes)

Guiding Principles

Comprehensive Project Abstract


My thoughts on the panel discussions:

I truly enjoyed participating in the panel! One of my favorite questions was Sarah's question about suggestions on how to get buy-in from students to dedicate the time. While creating an ePortfolio requires time from the student, it is great to see faculty thinking about innovative ways to engage students in the process and get them invested in creating a quality ePortfolio. As I mentioned in the session, breaking down the ePortfolio into manageable chunks, such as various assignments throughout the course, makes it seem less overwhelming. Candyce Reynold's worksheets listed below are a great example of this. (Thank you, Candyce!) During my master's program, I found peer feedback, such as an informal peer review throughout the ePortfolio and COMPS projects development, very helpful. Having peers as a sounding board guided some of my thought processes and had the added benefit of creating a bond with my peers (e.g., "we are in this together!"). Thank you for inviting me to participate in the panel discussion! | Portland State University, P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97201 | 503-725-5483