How would you describe your ePortfolio experience/expertise?

I led the creation of an ePortfolio based on a project for a local client.

I am currently involved in an internship program (LHSI) that ends with the production of an ePortfolio.

A brief history + Hyperlink to your ePortfolio/s

W231 Recommendation Report

My ePortfolio was built for a second year english course (W231). In association with a team of other W231 students and a local nursing home we set out to create a Reccommendation Report for a local nursing home. This report covered employee retention in the healthcare field, with a focus on nursing home settings. After research was conducted the findings were condensed and analyzed to produce a singular ePortfolio of the teams findings. The ePortfolio was used as a delivery system for the project to be delivered to the client. This turned the over 15,000 word project into an easily digestible web artifact that could be shared and utilized by the client to understand our findings.

Project ePortfolio: https://abelchwa.wixsite.com/my-site-1 

LHSI Internship

I will be entering an LHSI internship in the fall which will require the creation of an ePortfolio based on the internship experience. I have not begun construction of this ePortfolio but some past examples will be listed below.

LHSI examples: https://getengaged.iupui.edu/showcase/2022/internship-and-professional-work/life-health-sciences-internship-program/index.html 

LHSI Program ePortfolio

This ePortfolio is representative of my experience while in an internship through a program my university offers called LHSI (Life Science Health Internship program) which involved students undergoing an internship. This ePortfolio was created to aid in reflection of the experience and help with deciding whether our internship was reflective of our career goals. The ePortfolio includes refelctive writing on my growth as a student and a professional as well as descriptions of my internship sites reserach and its impact. A subgoal of this ePortfolio was to educate others on the internship site and its reserach, to accomploish this  resulting artfiact was used to present to others within the program as well as the general public.

LHSI ePortfolio:

CEA Program

This ePortfolio is another experience based ePortolfio. This ePortfolio is related to the Community Engagement Associate (CEA) program which has students work with a faculty or community organization's project related to community improvement. For this program I worked with Debbie Oesch-Minor on a project through an organization called Mothers on the Rise. The goal of this ePortfolio was to reflect on the experience to undertsand what being a community-minded individual entails. This ePortfolio includes reflective writing about growth, a description of the project and my role, and a video summary of the ePortfolio.

CEA ePortfolio:

Personal/Honors ePortfolio

My personal ePortfolio was initially created for an introductory course that the honors college requires. This ePortfolio has the goal of serving as a presentable container for all of my experiences and accomplishments. I have sections for academic experiences, extracurricular engagements, and accolades. The ePortfolio will serve s similiar purpose to a resume, but can contain more information about the contents, including examples and images. Another benefit is the ability to allow for more personality to shine through the artifact than a traditional resume or CV.

Personal ePortfolio

Screenshot of the home page of the project-based ePortfolio 

Where we are today

The report was delivered to our client. Our recommendation report was accepted into the IUPUI 2022 project based learning showcase.

Since this project, I have been in the process of updating my personal ePortfolio as a storage space for my current work as well as a format to share writing and other projects. Additionally I am preparing to create another project-based ePortfolio for an internship program I am entering into for the 2022-23 school year. 

Screenshot of project's listing on the 2022 project-based learning showcase