CHAT from the Zoom

This page includes a copy/paste from the Zoom Chat.

The "Me" in the ch

Zoom Chat Copied/Pasted

Co-Host list: Sophie Carrison, Inge Mares, Sheila Mullooly, Michael Peck, Jada White, Debbie Oesch-Minor

Debbie to Everyone (2:01 PM)

Thank you to Sophie, Inge, Sheila, Michael, Yaqoub, and Jada for preparing and joining us today!

Here is a link to the Student Panel shared website

Kristina Hoeppner (she/her) to Everyone (1:59 PM)

Good morning / afternoon / evening, everyone.

Megan K. Mize to Everyone (2:02 PM)

The AAEEBL Digital Ethics Taskforce is conducting a research study to better understand and map the labor of ePortfolio work in higher education. This multi-institutional study aims to identify, compile, analyze, and facilitate activity and interest in ePortfolios in higher education by surveying ePortfolio practitioners and related professionals in the US and Canada.

Debbie to Everyone (2:03 PM)

Link to the Presentation website/ePortfolio for the Student Panel

Amy Cicchino (she/hers) to Everyone (2:03 PM)

A presentation ePortfolio on ePortfolios 🤯 You all are amazing!

Kelly Driscoll to Everyone (2:05 PM)

Congratulations to all the students in the panel - your voice and perspective are so important to this community!

Rachel Swinford to Everyone (2:09 PM)

If you could choose one word to describe your ePortfolio experience, what would it be?

Maria Bergstrom to Everyone (2:09 PM)

I'm curious what students thought about eportfolios before they started and after they completed them—were they reluctant? excited? did the process change their opinion?

kathleen yancee to Everyone (2:09 PM)

What's challenging about creating ePortfolios? And what's rewarding?

Annette Schwabe (FSU Public Health & Sociology) to Everyone (2:10 PM)

How would you describe the value of doing an e-portfolio for you and your future? How do you anticipate using it?

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:10 PM)


Nora McCook to Everyone (2:11 PM)

How do you see your ePortfolio--or ePortfolios on your campus--effecting change or informing decision making? Is that link clear from your vantage point?

Kevin Kelly to Everyone (2:11 PM)

What preparation do the students feel they had to communicate to different audiences?

Marlon Mote to Everyone (2:11 PM)

What was the greatest struggle you experienced in getting started with ePortfolio? What support did you seek if any?

Amy Cicchino (she/hers) to Everyone (2:11 PM)

Do you see yourself using your "ePortfolio skills" (what you learned through the process of making the ePortfolio) in other areas of your life?

Katie Southard (she/her) to Everyone (2:11 PM)

When your instructor (or internships) introduced the e-portfolio assignDebbient, what were soDebbie of the most helpful instructions/framing/support to make engaging with the assignDebbient Debbieaningful?

Sophie Carrison to Everyone (2:14 PM)

Rachel, I would describe my experience as “reflective” as using ePortfolios have definitely helped Debbie reflect on all my valuable college experiences so far!

Rachel Swinford to Everyone (2:15 PM)

Thank you, Sophie!

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:15 PM)

What did you want it to do that it wouldn't do?

Amy Cicchino (she/hers) to Everyone (2:19 PM)

Yay, that's great @Sophie!

Michael Peck to Everyone (2:21 PM)

Sonja, there were some issues navigating the website (tabs wouldn't navigate to the correct page/display correctly) as well as displaying the graphics and text. Mainly the wix website skeleton we were using was not fitting the length of the text we needed to include while also allowing us to freely place graphs and charts where they needed to be in the text.

Pat Clark to Everyone (2:23 PM)

Sophie assisted one of my students in her role in the ePortfolio studio with his (and my) first ever ePortfolio capstone in Biology. Having the students helping students in the ePortfolio Studio is great!

Debbie to Everyone (2:24 PM)

If you want to open the Presentation ePortfolio for the Student Panel, visit

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:24 PM)

@Michael that sounds frustrating! Glad you had a team member who could help with a workaround!

kathleen yancee to Everyone (2:25 PM)

Thanks to everyone for your presentation!

Tracy Penny Light (she/her/hers) to Everyone (2:26 PM)

Thank you all for sharing your ePortfolio experiences!

Debbie to Everyone (2:26 PM)

Yes: the idea of Folio Thinking is a great organizing tool!

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:26 PM)

Folio thinking!!! 👏🏼

Tracy Penny Light (she/her/hers) to Everyone (2:26 PM)

Love that Michael - making connections and folio thinking!

Katie Southard (she/her) to Everyone (2:31 PM)

Thank you Jada and Sophie!

Sarah Imran, Mount Royal University to Everyone (2:32 PM)

Sophie, that's amazing, thank you for sharing!

Inge Mares, PSU to Everyone (2:32 PM)

I second having example eportfolios to share with students at the beginning of the project

Katie Southard (she/her) to Everyone (2:32 PM)

Great point Michael, thank you!

Debbie to Everyone (2:32 PM)

Here’s a link to the instructional ePortfolio for W231

[link below]

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:32 PM)

This is why I always say that faculty need to create and maintain ePortfolios if they are teaching them.

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:32 PM)

Michael, thank you for validating the need for examples!

kathleen yancee to Everyone (2:32 PM)

We're missing the link, Debbie

Sarah Imran, Mount Royal University to Everyone (2:33 PM)

Any suggestions on how to get buy-in from students to dedicate the time?

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:33 PM)


Debbie to Everyone (2:33 PM)

Link to instructional ePortfolio for Professional Writing Skills

Kate Bengtson to Everyone (2:33 PM)

+1 to Sarah's question - for each of you, what was your motivation to keep going with your ePortfolio? Intrinsic or extrinsic? You all are rockstars!

kathleen yancee to Everyone (2:33 PM)

Thanks! ;)

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:34 PM)

@sarah I am curious about student response to this. I suspect the answer is spending time really talking about the value of the process and sharing examples?

Melissa Shaquid Pirie to Everyone (2:34 PM)

That is so true Sheila, my committee for my doctoral portfolio was intensely collegial and collaborative

Sarah Imran, Mount Royal University to Everyone (2:35 PM)

Thank you Inge.

Inge Mares, PSU to Everyone (2:35 PM)

1,000% on peer feedback

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:36 PM)

Agree Sophie! Such a great point.

Rachel Swinford to Everyone (2:36 PM)

The ePortfolio Studio at IUPUI was created after the model at Old Dominion with @Megan Mize!

Sarah Imran, Mount Royal University to Everyone (2:37 PM)

Thanks Sophie- I might have missed it, can you please tell us what exactly happens in the eportfolio studio? Why student would go there?

Amy Cicchino (she/hers) to Everyone (2:37 PM)

@Debbie, this site is so cool!

Rachel Swinford to Everyone (2:37 PM)

Cynthia Kiefer to Everyone (2:38 PM)

I am interested into how students used different modalities (video, podcasts, infographics, etc) and how they decided when to chose digital formats when they did?

Sophie Carrison to Everyone (2:38 PM)

Yes, Sarah! The ePortfolio Studio is an on-campus student resource for all things ePortfolio! As a peer consultant, I meet with students one-on-one as well as in a whole classroom setting to introduce and help build an ePortfolio. If they have quick questions or want in-depth feedback and one-on-one time, the Studio provides that for students :)

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:39 PM)

@sophie that is so awesome!

Sophie Carrison to Everyone (2:39 PM)

We also offer asynchronous feedback where a student can send in their ePortfolio and receive video or written feedback on how to improve their ePortoflios. The Studio is a Avery student-centered space!

Melissa Shaquid Pirie to Everyone (2:39 PM)

Multimedia is such a compelling component of ePortfolio impact!

Inge Mares, PSU to Everyone (2:39 PM)

I would like to add digital badges!

Katie Southard (she/her) to Everyone (2:39 PM)

Sophie, what is the time-commitment expectation for you as a student worker in the ePortfolio Studio? It sounds like such a helpful resource for students on your campus!

Gillian Sudlow to Everyone (2:40 PM)

@Sophie - I love the idea of asynchronous feedback - what is the uptake on that?

Sarah Imran, Mount Royal University to Everyone (2:40 PM)

Thanks Sophie- love the peer support lens! Less intimidating for students to engage.

Inge Mares, PSU to Everyone (2:41 PM)

Agreed Sarah!

Sophie Carrison to Everyone (2:41 PM)

Katie, since I am working as a student, I get to make my own work hours throughout the week and it is very flexible to my hectic student schedule!

Debbie to Everyone (2:41 PM)

@PANELISTS: We have about 10 minutes. Tell us the “thing” you want us to take with us to better support students and drive ePortfolios in new directions.

Rebecca Thomas to Everyone (2:41 PM)

I'm interested in digital badges with ePortfolio too, Inge! Have you started this yet?

Inge Mares, PSU to Everyone (2:42 PM)

I have not yet, but have been exploring it

Maria Bergstrom to Everyone (2:42 PM)

Sheila--any specific things you think institutions should take into account regarding international students when impleDebbienting eportfolio? any barriers there that we should be aware of?

Sophie Carrison to Everyone (2:42 PM)

Gillian, usually the students who take advantage of the asynchronous option are those who are already comfortable with ePortfolio format and just need soDebbie advice on how to polish theirs up! A lot of those students include seniors with their capstones and research program students

Amy Cicchino (she/hers) to Everyone (2:42 PM)

@Sheila, Global-folios

Gillian Sudlow to Everyone (2:42 PM)

Thanks Sophie

Debbie to Sophie Carrison (Direct message) (2:43 PM)

Preach it: tell us what we need to do better.

Kim Auger (she/her) to Everyone (2:43 PM)

Were you taught ways to ensure your ePortfolios are more consumer friendly?

and what was done?

Megan K. Mize to Everyone (2:43 PM)

Intercultural rhetorics and visual metaphors in portfolio platforms are always worth thinking about for international students

Gillian Sudlow to Everyone (2:44 PM)

I hear that Inge - I had the same experience in my Masters

Debbie to Sophie Carrison (Direct message) (2:44 PM)

@Megan: Great point

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:44 PM)

Inge, I love your comment about introducing it earlier!! So happy to have student representation at this meeting!!! Thank you all for joining us!

Debbie to Everyone (2:44 PM)

@Megan: Absolutely

Terry Kirts (IUPUI Indianapolis) to Everyone (2:44 PM)

How do the panelists connect their ePortfolios with other social media they use, or are those incompatible? Do they see ePortfolios as purely academic?

Inge Mares, PSU to Everyone (2:44 PM)

Thank you for having us!

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:45 PM)


candyce reynolds to Everyone (2:46 PM)

Thanks to all the students. I've learned so much from you all!

Inge Mares, PSU to Everyone (2:46 PM)

Thank you Candyce!!

shared with everyone attending this session!

Yaqoub Saadeh to Everyone (2:48 PM)

Supervisor, coworkers and friends

Jada to Everyone (2:49 PM)

I shared mine with my Lab Leader

sheila mullooly to Everyone (2:49 PM)

dissertation committee, friends, family, peers, professional contacts, social media

Pat Clark to Everyone (2:49 PM)

@sheila - I love that idea, and I can see that concept being applied in multiple ways for example a professional / layman duality.

Gillian Sudlow to Everyone (2:49 PM)

Thank you all for sharing!

Tracy Penny Light (she/her/hers) to Everyone (2:49 PM)

Thank you all for your presentations and work with ePortfolios! Super helpful to hear your perspectives - I learned a lot from you!

Sarah Imran, Mount Royal University to Everyone (2:49 PM)

Thank you students and organizers, what a great session!

Sophie Carrison to Everyone (2:49 PM)

I shared my project based ePortfolio with the community client and the hiring committee when I applied for the ePortfolio Studio positions and I am using my comprehensive ePortfolio for applying to PT programs!

Amy Cicchino (she/hers) to Everyone (2:49 PM)

Thank you all for your perspectives and experiences. This was my favorite panel so far!

Jeff Yan (he/him) to Everyone (2:49 PM)

Thank you all so much!

Sonja Taylor (she/her) to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Thank you for sharing!

Yifei Wang to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Thank you for sharing your experiences!

Stephen Fallowfield to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Thank you Debbie and to all of the students!!

Michael Peck to Everyone (2:50 PM)

I shared mine with the client I worked with as well as my friends and family as well as on my resume for future employers to view.

Annette Schwabe (FSU Public Health & Sociology) to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Thank you!

Maria Bergstrom to Everyone (2:50 PM)

thank you students, this was inspiring!

Erika Berroth (she/her) to Everyone (2:50 PM)

It is wonderful to hear from students! Super valuable perspectives!

John Ross to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Thank you students!

Cynthia Kiefer to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Thank you so much for an inspiring and valuable session!

Kemone Feleti to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Thank you

Kelly Driscoll to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Fantastic insights and shared experiences! Thank you!

Marlon Mote to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Great panel! Thank you all!

Kim Auger (she/her) to Everyone (2:50 PM)


Lingma Lu to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Thank you for a great panel

Kevin Kelly to Everyone (2:50 PM)

Link to the Presentation website/ePortfolio for the Student Panel

Sarah Imran, Mount Royal University to Everyone (2:50 PM)


kathleen yancee to Everyone (2:51 PM)

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jada to Everyone (2:51 PM)

Thank you for the opportunity!

Sophie Carrison to Everyone (2:51 PM)

Thank you everyone!

Emily Jo Schwaller | UCATT | she/her to Everyone (2:51 PM)

Thank you so much!

Michael Peck to Everyone (2:51 PM)

Thank you for the opportunity.

Kristina Hoeppner (she/her) to Everyone (2:51 PM)

thank you very much for this great session.

Inge Mares, PSU to Everyone (2:51 PM)

Thank you everyone!

Kelly Driscoll to Everyone (2:52 PM)

Excellent moderating Debbie 👏

Helen L. Chen (she/her) to Everyone (2:52 PM)

Our next session will take place at 12:15 PT/2:15 CT/3:15 ET. Enjoy your break!