HOW do Panels Form?

2022 AAEEBL Student Panel

July 21, 11:00-12:00 Pacific / 2:00-3:00 EST

For the AAEEBL Student Panel, the AAEEBL planning committee asked one member to take the lead.

NETWORK with ePortfolio Directors


SCHEDULING a Preparation Zoom [using Strawpoll]

BUILDING a VISUAL [this website]

The committee member connected with three ePortfolio rock-stars, from different regions of the US, to see if they knew of students who would be interested/willing to serve on the panel. Once names/emails were shared, a formal invitation to be part of the panel was circulated by email. Panelists responded quickly. The committee member reported to the Planning Committee on progress. Next steps: Build a shell for this Google Site, build a StrawPoll to schedule the prep Zoom, share a link for AAEEBL registration.

In the spirit of transparency, here are the basic steps the AAEEBL Planning Committee took to put the student panel together.

Why Google Sites? Our group of panelists opted to use Google Sites to share materials because we could all be on the site, making edits and updates, at the same time. Most platforms only accept changes from one editor at a time.

Inviting Panelists

The AAEEBL planning committee student panel coordinator networked with three ePortfolio advocates at three universities. Individuals emailed and shared the names of eleven current/previous students. These students represented a variety of experiences with ePortfolios. Of those eleven, eight current/previous students expressed interest in participating. Three ended up having scheduling conflicts with the session date/time and emailed to step away from the panel. This was the initial list of eight that appeared on the website home page.

· M: Yr/Degree, University ePortfolio Experience: Built a Degree-Oriented Internship oriented ePortfolio

· Sophie Carrison: Senior, program, IUPUI ePortfolio Studio, student consultant

ePortfolio Experiences: Course-based ePortfolio and project-based ePortfolio with a community client]

· Inge Mares: Graduate/ELP-PACE, Portland State University

ePortfolio Experiences: Recent MA graduate who used ePortfolios to...

· M: Yr/Degree, University

ePortfolio Experiences at the graduate level

· Sheila Mullooly: Yr/Degree, Portland State University.

ePortfolio Experiences: Completed a doctoral dissertation using ePortfolio/s

· Michael Peck: Junior, program, IUPUI

ePortfolio Experiences: Course-based ePortfolio and project-based ePortfolio with a community client

· T: Sophomore, Information and Technology Major, University

ePortfolio Experiences: Personal/professional portfolio in process and regularly supports peers in portfolio


· Jada White: Sophomore, Biology [?], IUPUI

ePortfolio Experiences: Course-based ePortfolio and project-based ePortfolio with a community client]

Each panelist had access to edit/update this information to help build the presentation website. One additional invite was sent Yaqoub Saadeh the week prior to AAEEBL when a panelist stepped away due to scheduling conflicts.


Panelists had the option to attend two Zoom sessions, schedule individual Zooms with the panel coordinator, or connect by phone. Each participant attended at least one preparation experience, several attended more than one session.

Panelists also made edits/updates to this shared Google site and are invited to make reflective comments after the session.


Setting Up Prep Zooms

We circulated emails with a link to a StrawPoll to find the best times to Zoom

Prep Zooms

Panelists had two opportunities to meet/prep -or- could schedule individual Zooms with Debbie

Communication by Email

Email was the best tool for sharing Zoom links and updates

Building a Shared Website

Each panelist had access to the website for three weeks prior to AAEEBL



This area includes copy/paste of email correspondences between the convener and invited panelists.

The emails are in reverse chronological order from the last minute reminder to the initial invitation.



Great Work! Time to Reflect on the Google Site? Want to meet up to debrief?



Thu 7/21/2022 4:58 PM

THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you!

You all were amazing. I appreciate your time and the hard work you put into preparing and sharing your materials on our Google Site.

Here's a link for quick access: URL

Now that the panel is behind you, are you comfortable reflecting on the panel, then sharing that reflection at the bottom area of your tab? You might point to your favorite question + share your response, then comment on what it was like to talk about your ePortfolio. How did this affect your ideas about what you did and what you might do with ePortfolios in the future?

A couple of you texted to ask if we could have a Zoom debrief.

Absolutely, yes!

How many of us could attend Thursday, July 28 around 12Pacific, 3PM Eastern?

[zero obligation here--just a time to talk through the panel experience and consider how it fits into your resume].

Thank you again and have a wonderful weekend!




LAST MINUTE EMAIL with ZOOM LINKS Sent Wednesday, July 20

Hello: It's almost time for our panel presentation!

Thank you so much for agreeing to be part of the AAEEBL Student Panel.

You're going to make tremendous contributions to the conference.

Our STUDENT PANEL presents from 11AM-11:50PM Pacific / 2PM-2:50 Eastern in Zoom Room 1

Please arrive on the Zoom 10 minutes early: 10:50 Pacific / 1:50 Eastern.

There will be a group wrapping up a session in the Zoom room as we transition to start our Zoom panel.

The ZOOM link for ROOM 1 is listed in the EMAIL below.

You should also receive a calendar invite and Zoom link from AAEEBL with a unique Zoom link for panel presenters.

If you have not gotten the email from AAEEBL, that's fine. Use the link to Room 1 in the email copied below, then I'll let the moderator know you need Co-Moderator status.

      FYI: To access the SCHEDULE for DAY 1 visit



To help break-up the introduction portion of the panel, we'll break the two minute "Hi, I'm ---- from ---- and here's my ePortfolio background" into two segments:

2:05 to 2:12 INTRODUCTIONS for Michael, Jada, and Yaqoub

Quick introductions, then about 10 minutes of QA [we'll try to find a way to smoothly transfer to the nest set of introductions]

2:22-2:26 INTRODUCTIONS for Sophie, Inge, and Sheila

Quick introductions, then we have about 20 minutes for QA all round [everyone can jump in]



You're still welcome to make tweaks to the Google Site


It would be amazing if you'd type a response to the panel experience after the panel--let them know what you thought. You might mention your favorite question or add a clarifying statement to a comment you made during the panel. Respond in images? Respond in a short video? It's your call.


QUESTIONS? Call or text my cell [I'm in the Eastern time zone]


I'm looking forward to hearing more about your ePortfolio experiences and learning from you so that I can better support my students and develop my ePortfolios.



[FORWARDED EMAIL FROM AAEEBL with ZOOM LINKS was pasted with the last minute reminder]



Easy-Access Zoom link, AAEEBL Prep 1:00PM Eastern/10:00AM Pacific Zoom URLLINKSHAREDHERE

Wed 7/13/2022 11:33 AM


This is a quick link for today's 1:00PM Eastern/10:00AM Pacific AAEEBL prep session:

Bases We'll Cover

During our Zoom session, we'll get to know one another, take care of registration, visit our shared website, then talk about strategies for fielding questions. Links and a brief agenda are listed below:

  • Anticipate the sorts of questions that might come up to prepare ideas for responses

  • Decide ways to route questions to one or two panelists in ways that open opportunities for everyone to contribute


"A Changed World for ePortfolios: Opportunities for Design Justice, Effective Implementation, and Assessment"

This year's conference will focus on equity in ePortfolio design, implementation, and assessment.

The AAEEBL ePortfolio Student Panel is an important part of hearing from students to better understand what we need to do to better engage and support students using ePortfolios.

Our panel is 50 minutes long, Thursday, July 21, at 11:00AM Pacific/ 2:00PM Eastern.

We are the only thing on the schedule during this time slot to make sure everyone at the conference can attend.

To see the complete AAEEBL schedule, visit LINK

You are welcome to attend any or all sessions at AAEEBL to expand your ePortfolio knowledge and add an academic conference to your resume.

Here's a link to the schedule:

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Feel free to reach out with any questions and ideas.

All Best,




Reminder: Wednesday, July 13 AAEEBL Panel Zoom: 10AM Pacific/1PM Eastern ZOOM


This is a quick reminder that our panel will meet Wednesday at 1:00 Eastern/10:00AM Pacific to prepare for our session at the AAEEBL international conference on ePortfolios.

Here's a Zoom link we can use for our prep session:

Bases to Cover During the Zoom

During our Zoom session, we'll get to know one another, take care of registration, visit our shared website, then talk about strategies for fielding questions. Links and a brief agenda are listed below:

  • Anticipate the sorts of questions that might come up to prepare ideas for responses

  • Decide ways to route questions to one or two panelists in ways that open opportunities for everyone to contribute


"A Changed World for ePortfolios: Opportunities for Design Justice, Effective Implementation, and Assessment"

This year's conference will focus on equity in ePortfolio design, implementation, and assessment.

The AAEEBL ePortfolio Student Panel is an important part of hearing from students to better understand what we need to do to better engage and support students using ePortfolios.

Our panel is 50 minutes long, Thursday, July 21, at 11:00AM Pacific/ 2:00PM Eastern.

We are the only thing on the schedule during this time slot to make sure everyone at the conference can attend.

To see the complete AAEEBL schedule, visit

You are welcome to attend any or all sessions at AAEEBL to expand your ePortfolio knowledge and add an academic conference to your resume.

Here's a link to the schedule:

I look forward to seeing you in a couple days!

Feel free to reach out with any questions and ideas.

All Best,




AAEEBL STUDENT PANEL Planning: Straw Poll to Schedule a Prep Session + EDIT the Shared Presentation Website + Register for AAEEBL


Thank you for generously agreeing to be part of the 2022 AAEEBL Student Panel.

This is an opportunity for faculty, administrators, and pedagogical gurus with interests in ePortfolios to hear from you about what works and why, what doesn't and why, and what we can do better.

Our next steps are to schedule a prep session [respond to the StrawPoll], add to our Google Sites visual [to share during the panel], and register for the conference.

    • Let's meet to talk about the panel and get organized. This straw poll will help us find days/times that work. If you cannot make it any of these days/time, that's fine. Email me. We can schedule a second, alternate meeting time.

    • Here's the Zoom link we'll use for the planning meetings:

    • You should have received an invitation to edit our shared Google Site. If you didn't, or if you have issues getting access, please emai me--I'll try to get things working smoothly.

    • Please make edits to your name on the HOME page, then any additions you'd like to make to your PAGE.

To learn more about AAEEBL visit

Please let me know what I can do to help you feel comfortable and well prepared as we get ready for the July 21 panel.

All Best,

Debbie Oesch-Minor


INVITATION to BE ON THE PANEL [These varied slightly from person to person]

Want to share on a student panel at an international ePortfolio conference? Thursday, July 21, 11-12:00 EST

Hi Jada : [someone familiar to the email sender]

I hope your summer is going well. I'm coordinating a student panel for AAEEBL, the top, international ePortfolio conference on the planet. It's small, but mighty.

AAEEBL Student Panel on ePORTFOLIOS Thursday, July 21--Day One of the Conference

I wanted to email to see if you would be interested in sharing your ePortfolio experiences on a student panel.

The student panel takes the Zoom stage Thursday, July 21 from 11-12 Pacific/ 2-3 EST.

So far, I'm recruiting three IUPUI students: one PRO who works in the ePortfolio Studio who has experience with a course based and project based ePortfolio, a NEWCOMER, first-year student leaning toward pre-med with one course oriented ePortfolio in hand [YOU], and someone in the MIDDLE, a Junior from another W231 spring section of W231.


I'll invite panel participants to attend a pre-conference Zoom where, together, we'll build a format for the first 30-minutes, then plan strategies to field questions as we open the chat for QA--but try to anticipate/prepare for common questions. You will be asked to build one slide [or up to three] to introduce themselves and their experiences with ePortfolios + one BIG IDEA you want to share with AAEEBL attendees: staff, faculty, ePortfolio administrators, and national ePortfolio experts.

Also, you'll be welcome to attend the entire Thursday/Friday conference for FREE.

It's $199 for faculty/admins, but the conference planning committee made it free for all students.

You can register at:

Please let me know if you're interested and available.

All Best,



Questions? Comments? Ideas?

Contact Debbie Oesch-Minor at IUPUI

to get more information on the panel