PRONOUNS: she/her

How would you describe your ePortfolio experience/expertise?

I participated in a course-based and project-based ePortfolio for a second year writing course.

 I am currently a student ePortfolio consultant at the ePortfolio Studio on campus. 

I completed my senior capstone project where I created an ePortfolio to document and reflect on my experience shadowing a physical therapist, as well as my education as a biology student at IUPUI.

I am now a graduate student and have continued my position in the ePortfolio Studio where I help manage the Studio and do a lot more collaboration with people across campus. 

A brief history + Hyperlink to my ePortfolios

Community Client Recommendation Report ePortfolio

In a second year writing course, I worked with a team of students and the IUPUI chapter of the Women4Change organization. For ten weeks, we thoroughly researched and made recommendations on best marketing practices for a student organization. Below are two ePortfolio hyperlinks made in this writing course:

Personal Course ePortfolio

Women4Change Recommendation Report Project

Instructional ePortfolio Creation

Another aspect of my job in the ePortfolio Studio includes meeting and collaborating with faculty and staff across campus to provide them with ample ePortfolio resources, which include the creation of instructional ePortfolios for their courses and/or programs. I meet with instructors to discuss their goals for their students' ePortfolios and what they want out of an instructional site, create a mock-up of an instructional site on the platform of their choosing, submit it for feedback, and make final revisions before adding the instructor as an owner of their new instructional ePortfolio site. 

Capstone ePortfolio Project

For my senior capstone project, I created an ePortfolio to document and reflect on my experience as a Physical Therapy shadowing student, along with some aspects of general PT treatment plan research. This ePortfolio caps off my four years as a biology student at IUPUI by tying together my coursework to my future goals of becoming a PT. You will find an About Me page, project introduction, research content, and reflection on the project in this ePortfolio.

London Study Abroad Trip

To earn honors credit my last semester of undegrad at IUPUI, I decided to complete an extra project for my Study Abroad trip to London over spring break. I chose to create an ePortfolio documenting my trip and made an interactive map of London highlighting the places we visited during the program. I really enjoyed this project as it allowed me to reflect and dive even deeper into my trip and all that I learned while in London.

Where I am today

The Recommendation Report project went well and the IUPUI chapter of Women4Change appreciated our recommendations on best marketing practices for student organizations. 

After my experience with ePortfolios in the writing course, I later applied to work as a student consultant at the IUPUI ePortfolio Studio. When I got the position, the ePortfolio Studio was more of an idea and not an official on-campus resource yet, so part of my job as an ePortfolio Studio consultant also included building up the foundation of the Studio and marketing it to students and faculty across campus. Of course, as a student consultant, I also met with and supported students as they created their ePortfolios! 

With my experience working in the Studio, I got more comfortable with creating ePortfolios and decided to center my senior capstone around an ePortfolio. The documentation and reflection aspects of my capstone project were valuable resources to me as I began to apply for Physical Therapy programs. 

Currently, I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy student at IU in Indianapolis and am still working in the ePortfolio Studio. I have since taken up a bit of a managerial position as I served as the only student consultant for a bit as we transitioned leadership in Spring/Summer of 2022. I thoroughly enjoy my job and am grateful for the opportunity to discuss my projects and ideas at conferences like AAEEBL.

Above is a photo of myself and one of the previous ePortfolio Studio consultants. We are pictured with the ePortfolio Studio decal, which was a turning point for the studio space and really brought it all together into a comfortable and cohesive environment!

My thoughts on the panel discussions:

Serving on the panel was a great experience! I learned so much from a student and professional perspective, which will both help me as I continue working in the ePortfolio Studio on campus. I am very grateful for the opportunity to share my experiences with everyone and hear from many others!

Link to an ePortfolio Introduction and Support Tool I built for first year seminar students at IUPUI