10. Reduced Inequalities

“Reduce inequality within and among countries”

by Giulia Menichini - 5AT


  • Improve the national income
  • The inclusion of all
  • The equal opportunity for outcome
  • Adoption of fiscal, wage and social policies
  • The monitoring of global financial markets
  • Representation for the developing countries
  • Migration policies.
Bangladeshi crocheted gifts are handmade by women in rural areas of the country. This work allows them to stay in the region, work close to home so they can be near their families and gives them an income where there are few other work opportunities.


  • Growth of the income
  • Duty-free for developing countries
  • 466$ billion to developing countries
  • Decline of the cost to send money


Tourism can:

  • Contribute to urban renewal and rural development
  • Give to people the opportunity to prosper in their place of origin
  • Contribute to economic integration and diversification


Educating and empowering local communities for sustainable tourism futures, the Sumba hospitality foundation, Indonesia.

The Sumba Hospitality Foundation is initiating a sustainable tourism development plan for Sumba through the concept of full boarding permaculture school and green hotel for underprivileged Sumbanese youth providing vocational education, focusing on practical and soft skills, nurturing environmental awareness and cultural identity and empowering local communities to promote responsible tourism.


MiBarrio- Mercado de Hacienda Applied research project, in Argentina.

It's aim is to improve the livelihood of the communities through tourism development. The extensive screening of the different neighborhoods allowed the city of Buenos Aires to identify less touristic urban areas and develop, in collaboration with the local inhabitants, new tourism products to specifically tackle the economic and social issues faced by the inhabitants. The resulting tourism experiences contribute to give a voice to the communities enhancing their unique identity while fostering social inclusion, entrepreneurship as well as the economic development of the area.